How Can Content Syndication Amplify B2B Lead Generation

How Can Content Syndication Amplify B2B Lead Generation

Lead generation doesn’t always only mean numbers; in fact in today’s context of dynamic marketing strategies, it also means creating an overall brand awareness and brand recall through various different interwoven tactics. B2B business owners are working hard to get the latest and the most workable strategies on board to augment lead generation. Lead generation and demand generation entails nurturing and building brand awareness. This simply means that it’s important to have a comprehensive strategy; one that can enhance visibility amid your target audience and a better outreach to get them into the loop. And content syndication does just that!

Amid all the innovative strategies; content syndication is gaining importance in the B2B domain and is proving to be a great support for lead generation activities. You can simply start your lead generation campaign with content syndication!

Here is why you should start your lead generation campaign with content syndication:

  1. Get started by sharing knowledgeable assets to show authenticity
  2. Sharing content that is valuable creates credibility and transparency
  3. Content syndication can create a wider reach to a wider audience in lesser time.
  4. Leverage brand presence by content syndication through some highly viewed websites for better visibility

There are several benefits of content syndication that can help create more chances of generating leads. Let us discuss some of these benefits!

Create a Cost effective reach:

With multiple platforms available for sharing your content; this tactic of content syndication can prove to be a cost effective way of reaching your target audience. Enhancing your brand visibility through various different channels across industries also means that you have better chances of getting more qualified leads. This can be done in less time and lesser efforts with content syndication and hence this can prove to be a very cost effective technique.

Get more leads:

Those who show interest in your content could be potential customers. If they want to engage through content syndication it may also mean that they are interested in your services. Content syndication can be a lead generation magnet, wherein the customers can find you easily. Your content syndication strategy should also help you identify the right prospects that come to you. This timely move can help you capture the right leads at the right time before they go cold.

Create more brand awareness:

The best thing about content syndication is that it has no limits in terms of distribution of content across various channels of information. This means there is no limit in the scope for creating multiple target audience with content syndication. Content syndication’s collaborative power will allow more brand awareness which is crucial for the complex B2B market. With competition being tough today; content syndication can enhance your brand awareness making your reach better. You can easily find leads without having to invest in complex strategies or efforts for finding potential leads, as people can easily find you!


B2B companies are already using different channels for lead generation and demand generation using various different strategies to get quality leads. Content syndication can be a great enabler for you to augment and accelerate your lead generation activities. This is the right time to invest in the right strategy such as content syndication as your content deserves the right audience and you deserve the good leads!

4 Reasons Why Your B2B Lead Generation Processes Aren’t Achieving the Desired Results

4 Reasons Why Your B2B Lead Generation Processes Aren’t Achieving the Desired Results

Everyone talks about how lead generation should be done in certain ways. However; there is no one-size-fits-all formula for augmenting lead generation and conversion. Different companies have different approaches depending upon their goals and objectives; however, attention should also be given some other factors that may not seem so obvious but could have the potential to impact your lead generation success.

This blog discusses the not-so-obvious but important factors that have the capacity to impact your lead generation processes and results.

Not all leads are similar-

Each lead is different:

Differentiating leads is crucial for sales and marketing people so that the sales teams only spend more time and effort on those leads that are most likely to convert. It is also important to understand whether a lead qualifies to be a potential converting-lead before it is passed on to the sales team.

MQLs are the Marketing Qualified Leads that are ready to be handed over to the sales teams; on the other hand, Sales Qualified leads are the ripened ones that are ready to buy from you. A clear distinction between MQL and SQL is necessary for faster conversions.

It all comes down to knowing the type of leads and the need for nurturing certain leads in order to move them to the stage of conversion. Effective lead generation entails a journey and a deep understanding of different types of leads to finally get the desired results.

Not all buying stages of leads are the same-

Identify the buying stage of a lead:

Some of the qualified leads are not yet ready to buy from you; hence nurturing them becomes a crucial step in lead conversion. Some of these qualified leads need to be reached through your website, through e-mailers or content that educates them about your services so that they can quickly arrive at a buying decision. Nurturing entails understanding the exact requirements and communicating with the prospect about the various virtues of your services that can help them solve their challenges.

Lack of Coordination and Collaboration-

Your sales and marketing teams need to be on the same page:

Sales and Marketing teams cannot work in silos. The synergy between marketing and sales teams can speed up the process of lead conversion. Here are a few things that they could agree upon for the best outcomes.

  1. A clear understanding of the needs and requirements of the prospect
  2. Measuring the quality of leads
  3. Defining and agreeing upon the target audience
  4. Analyzing the processes in order to fine-tune then if necessary for more success in lesser time
  5. Preparedness to reconfigure the strategy or approach for certain leads for nurturing processes

Delayed response in contacting the lead:

Don’t let delayed response cost you a good lead:

Sometimes a delayed response to a prospect can increase the time of the sales cycle and can cause delays in the lead conversion process. Responding to a curious prospect should be a priority as it can be a game-changer in the B2B domain.

It has been observed that only 37% of companies have responded to their leads within an hour and that 24% of companies took more than 24 hours to respond to a lead!

These facts show that businesses failing to contact a lead in time could cost them a potential lead that might have otherwise got converted had they been proactive and quick in responding to the lead. Over a period of time, the quality of a lead can degrade and it can eventually become a cold lead.


Every company is different and every lead is unique. There is no magic formula for B2B lead generation. The above factors are crucial in lead conversion; however, every organization has different business goals and objectives. The lead generation and nurturing process should be in line with the core business objectives of an organization. If the foundation of your lead generation process is about building long term relationships with customers other than just getting business out of them, then you will have created a more sustainable lead generation model for your company.

Techniques to Use For Result-Oriented B2B Lead Generation

Techniques to Use For Result-Oriented B2B Lead Generation

B2B Lead Generation is now being simplified by various different tactics adopted by marketers. It all starts with your customers’ getting to know more about your services and how your services are actually going to solve their problems. To keep getting consistent and good B2B sales leads; you need not go back to the drawing board and change your strategies every now and then. In B2B lead generation if you follow processes that work; you are in the game to win the best possible leads.

Setting up a realistic and smart campaign is a good beginning. Also, constantly evaluating the effectiveness of your lead generation tactics through certain metrics is a good way to know where you are heading and if it is the right path.

The things to be considered while setting up your B2B lead generation campaigns can be to determine a list which can be the most important element of your campaign, followed by creating a campaign with multiple touches to broaden the scope of success.

Here are two more ways to ensure you get the best quality leads:

Setting up email marketing campaigns:

Email marketing that includes a downloadable asset for your prospect can be very effective and can be instrumental in converting the lead into a customer. Refreshing your email lists should also be a part of your email marketing strategy as it will ensure that you are reaching new prospects, in addition to those already contacted.

Calling warm leads:

Telemarketing as a form of lead generation is still in vogue and can reap huge benefits for being able to start a conversation with your prospects. Get to know them while you communicate about the e-mailer and how you can help them at the same time.  Using both telephone and email, can be very effective in reaching prospects and having an opportunity to learn their needs and determine how your company can help them.


The quality of leads and the impact that those leads have on ROI is extremely important.  Email lead generation campaigns, with interesting assets included, in addition with telemarketing to vary the contact method, can achieve optimum results.