How Intent Data Can Shape the Future of B2B Sales

How Intent Data Can Shape the Future of B2B Sales

An effort never goes unnoticed; this is especially true in b2b sales and marketing. A special effort to cement the relationship with your prospects; to bring more convenience through your services or products; to solve your client’s challenges can go a long way in b2b sales.

Intent data can help design your strategies that can be more customer-centric and can help you solve thier business challenges

Here are some challenges of b2b enterprises and some interesting ways you can adopt to combat these challenges making intent data work for you to augment your b2b sales.

So what are the typical challenges that b2b companies face

Often b2b companies have to decipher through various levels of decision makers to be able to reach the most influential decision maker even before they can even start a conversation with the prospect. In addition; B2B companies have to face a lot of competition while they are trying to convince their buyers as to why their solution is better than anyone else’s. So the best way to reach the prospect at the right time is to know the prospect well. This is where intent data comes into play!

B2B services and solutions also need to be customized to suit specific requirements and to be able to come up with a precise solution. The need for constant research and innovative solutions and creative marketing and sales strategies all put together is a lot of hard work; that may or may not guarantee the desired results. This is why Intent data makes things easy for converting b2b challenges into opportunities.

How can intent data reduce the sales cycle?

Everyone has witnessed the emerging power of intent data in the recent years; and it is not a surprise that it is working in favour of b2b companies and other markets as well.

Intent data works in a very peculiar manner. It works on the basis of the algorithms that take into account the amount of time spent by prospects or companies on a website, the scrolling speed, the amount of content consumed by the prospects and many more aspects that help generate a score for each company or prospect.

Any spike in particular online behaviour can also be observed and depending upon these behavioural patterns identified through intent data; companies can configure their strategies to meet or connect with the prospect at the right time with the right proposal or sales pitch.

Knowing so many aspects of the buyer or prospect reduces the time and effort of sales teams to be able to convert the prospect into business. With the support of intent data; it takes less of an effort to invest in a potential prospect; and intent data always guarantees that you invest in the right prospect thus further reducing the sales cycle for faster and better business outcomes.

So how does intent data typically help companies?

  • Intent data helps companies prep up well in advance to have the insights handy such as which companies or prospects are searching for which solutions
  • Intent data insights most importantly help b2b business owners to predict the future purchase decisions of a buyer or when on an average would the prospect be ready to make an investment
  • To filter out the good leads or reach out only those prospects who are active buyers or decision makers who are most likely to influence the purchase decision
  • To monitor the overall digital footprints or the online behavioural patterns of the prospects to identify and capture upsell opportunities


Intent data is definitely the future of b2b or any enterprise for that matter that wants to know the customer well in advance. Making the marketers fully ready to reach out to the most potential customers for a successful sale is key to intent data’s success. It will facilitate precise ad-targeting to the right audience and decision makers in specific region and specific industries too; thus making intent data an invaluable tool for b2b marketers.

3 Best Customer Care Experiences that Accelerated B2B Businesses

3 Best Customer Care Experiences that Accelerated B2B Businesses

Any customer experience begins way before the actual purchase happens; if B2B companies keep this one thing in mind; half of their struggles will begin to drastically go down. The notion that customer care begins only after the purchase happens is no longer true; especially in the B2B domain. Clearly, it is time that b2b marketers make customers the central theme of their sales and marketing strategy to make a good sale!

To understand this better; let us take a look at 3 popular and inarguably best use cases of customer care in the B2B industry.

FedEX: Open communication

FedEX is a classic example of a B2B company that has an open communication policy with their clients! In any B2B business; the newsletter act as the best form of personalized communication and FedEX is the best example to prove how this works best for B2B.

FedEX has a dedicated newsletter for their customers; making it a single-customer focused newsletter. Instead of sending different e-mailers offering different things; there’s only one newsletter that goes out to their customers making the customers feel cared for.

This level of personalization is incredible and it helps to streamline communication and also helps to have an open dialogue straight with the customers. This also helps to strengthen the relationship between the customer and the organization.

GE: First Hand Demonstration

Going one step further; GE demonstrates their solutions to their customers.  GE has created an opportunity to demonstrate their solutions and literally so! Anyone who is interested in their products can go to their allocated manufacturing centers, wherein; customers can see the products in action.  

This is one step ahead in customer care and GE proves to the world that if you take the right efforts you can definitely gain trust and loyalty of the customers. The example of GE is testimony to the fact that customer care is not only an essential part of B2B marketing and sales; it’s an integral and very influential strategy by itself that can easily delight the customers.

Qumulo: Modern customer care

The dynamics of modern customer care are quite different from the traditional ones. Today customer care begins by asking the customer what they want and to produce the solution accordingly; that’s modern customer care! A perfect use case is that of Qumulo. They believe in the philosophy of asking a customer what they want and giving the customers exactly what they need.

Providers of scalable and enterprise data storage systems; Qumulo has a dedicated portal for customer care. Qumulo customers have access to the portal and they can interact with like-minded people and also have the option to open a support case.

In addition to the above; Motorola has been successful in building an emotional connect with their “Moments that Matter” campaign. Here is the video of the same:

<iframe allowfullscreen=”” frameborder=”0″ height=”349″ mozallowfullscreen=”” src=”” webkitallowfullscreen=”” width=”560″></iframe>

This motive of the video was to communicate with the customers that Motorola is there with their customers to help them in the moments that mattered the most to them!


Whether it is B2B or B2C; one factor that will always remain common is- Customers. B2B is a little tricky terrain when it comes to delighting and engaging customers; so many companies are now making customers to be the central theme of their strategies. Soon, customer care will be one of the most important investments for B2B companies; one that will be worth all the efforts!