How Intent Data Can Empower Your Demand Generation Initiatives

How Intent Data Can Empower Your Demand Generation Initiatives

The b2b industry is evolving and so is the b2b customer journey. In order to understand the customer and the customer journey well, marketers need more reliable and strong data.

Data that is intelligent and relevant is high-value data! Challenging streams of b2b such as lead generation and demand generation need the support of the right data. This is where intent data comes into play!

By leveraging the power of intent data you can reach the target audience and prospects that are looking for solutions that you have to offer.

So let us see how intent data can empower demand generation.

Intellitech Solutions partners with Bombora, the leader in intent data that collects B2B intent, demographic and firmographic data at scale.  

Immense amounts of data and content is dominating the market today. What this means is that prospects are out there searching for solutions and they are easily able to find those solutions even before you contact them.

Marketers are already witnessing a shift from traditional ways of doing lead gen to predictive and behavior-based marketing with a more customer-centric approach.

Marketers now prefer to create opportunities that will generate demand for the customers instead of chasing those leads.  Intent data activates everything right from awareness to purchase, thus enhancing the chances of success in demand generation.

With content being available everywhere, customers today prefer to do their own research and they also find the solution providers on their own. Naturally, the b2b buyers are well aware of what they want and they are making their buying decisions way before they talk to a sales person. This is alarming and hence demand generation could come to the rescue of b2b marketers.

The Power of Intent Data-

Intent data helps you with signals about prospects’ buyer intentions. It gives the right amount of relevant data to help you identify the purchase inclinations of the prospect. This can help you to contact the prospects ahead of time before they make any buying decisions.

Intent data unveils information about your ideal customer and their buying habits and signals to their online pre-purchase activities. It gives you the behavioral information about the prospect’s online activities.

Intent data provides marketers with predictive intelligence data that allows the sales and marketing teams to contact buyers early on.

So how does intent data impact demand generation?

Prioritizing leads-

Intent data can help you to know which leads can convert fast or are at the decision-making stage, so that you can prioritize them quickly. This can help you to shorten the sales cycle too.

Identifying the buying intentions-

Intent data helps sales and marketing teams to analyze the customer signals and predict buyer intentions. Also, by knowing the kind of content the customer is consuming, it can give you a predictive sense of what the customer might be looking for.

Analyzing the competition-

Intent data not only gives insights about the customer’s purchase intent, but it also gives insights about which are the competitors that your customer intends to buy from. This also helps you to analyze what it is that your competitors are doing differently.

You can use this knowledge to your advantage. This will help you to come up with better solutions than your competitors and also make yourself visible to your customers before your competitors do it.


One of the most critical aspects of successful b2b sales and marketing is personalization. Whether it is content assets, email marketing offers or messaging through your campaigns, one thing that strikes a chord with your customer, is, personalization.

Intent data helps you to know the customer well with plenty of insights. This can help you to come up with personalized campaigns, or personalized messaging. It can also support you in personalizing marketing activities.


Intent data is the fuel that you need to empower your lead gen and demand generation activities today. It’s one of the best ways to get to know your customer and personalize and strategize your marketing initiatives. It can create better demand generation opportunities that can bring more business.

Best Methods to Achieve Spectacular Success in Sales Prospecting

Best Methods to Achieve Spectacular Success in Sales Prospecting

If there’s one thing that has changed drastically in the last decade or so, it is sales prospecting! Today, sales prospecting has become more challenging and complex. Most sellers agree that creating conversations with prospects is critical to success in the b2b realm, but creating such opportunities is not an easy task.

If you are looking to step up your game with some sales prospecting techniques, this blog is for you!


As per research, 40% of salespeople say that prospecting is the most challenging part of the sales process.

So why is sales prospecting so difficult and what are the probable reasons?

  • Lack of knowledge around prospecting
  • Lack of right mind set around sales prospecting
  • Absence of insights that show prospecting impacts sales ROI
  • Capturing the buyers attention in todays crowded market is a challenge
  • Stimulating interest in the buyer’s mind and further engaging him is a challenge
  • Lack of clarity and poor communication between sales teams and authorities

Let them see the efforts-

Email marketing works well and is best for b2b sales results. However, sending bulk email messages to random target audience will never get you there.

Buyers do not like bulk emails to be sent to them.

They want to see the effort; they want to see that you have taken efforts in getting to know them well in order to reach out to them on a one-on-one basis.

Though emails are one of the best ways to communicate with your prospects, it works well only if it is personalized and you are making customized offers.

In order to achieve personalization you need to really be well aware of the customer journey and the competitors they have reached out to, their past purchase history and patterns and much more.

Messaging plays a huge role in making your prospects feel valued. Make messaging so clear, precise and personalized that people will feel like getting into further conversations with you. This will go a long way in sales prospecting process.

Align your content assets-

Email marketing or any other form of communication will not guarantee success if it is not supported by high value content assets. This is an important part of sales prospecting process today.

Offering best content assets can be one of the most effective ways to capturing attention of the buyers. And in order to give the right content to the right prospect it’s important to know the buyer well. Well researched sales prospecting therefore works best in most cases.

Know the prospect well and you will be able to create and align content assets with the needs of the buyer. Be there in front of them before they come looking for you. This can be a successful sales-prospecting technique to be used in today’s age and this can very well be done with content assets.


Sales prospecting is a challenging process, but you can make it a rewarding experience by using different techniques and most importantly understanding the prospect very well.

Other techniques such as turning cold calling into sales by providing value through powerful solutions can work great in sales prospecting. You can also establish a strong presence on social media or LinkedIn particularly to enhance brand awareness and positioning to attract prospects.

How to Use the Right Data to Your Sales Advantage

How to Use the Right Data to Your Sales Advantage

Understanding buyer intent is crucial for b2b sales. Buyer intent can help you to optimize marketing strategies. It can also help you to identify prospects with high buying intent. Therefore, as a b2b marketer, intent data or your buyer intent data can provide you with insights that can shorten sales cycle, accelerate sales, retain customers and recover business too.

This blog talks about the various aspects of buyer intent data that helps to augment business growth for the b2b industry and explains how you can use intent data to your sales advantage.

Buyer data or intent data can help sales and marketing teams to prioritize the good leads that can be easily converted into business.

Here is how you can leverage intent data:

  • Make sure that you spend time reaching out to prospects who are actively searching for a solution
  • Reach out and identify those prospects who not just show promising buying behavior, but they also exhibit demonstrating behaviors that reflect the probability of completing a form fill or contact you

Here are some more ways to empower your b2b sales plans with the right use of intent data-

  • You can use intent data to identify prospective buyers with high purchase intent in order to generate more business
  • You can leverage buyer data insights to create relevant marketing strategies that accelerate growth
  • Use intent signals to identify the needs of the prospect or specific things they are looking for
  • Use the right data to highlight those specific things in your messaging that your prospect is looking for
  • You can prioritize customer retention with intent data
  • Get a better understanding of buyer preferences and buying habits and patterns
  • Generate demand for what the prospect is looking for

Retaining customers:

Why is it so important to retain customers especially more so in the post-COVID era? Companies are recovering from the traumatic business phase of 2020. Many are still picking up the pieces and business has just started to grow again.

Targeting new customers and creating new strategies or roping in new experts cost a lot to companies. Getting new customers is always less cost-effective as compared to retaining existing customers. Intent data can help save those costs by retaining customers.

Demand Generation:

Generating demand is what marketers are now focusing on. Lead generation and conversion is hugely impacted by the demand you generate. The prospects need to see that you exist and you need to make them realize they need the solutions that you have to offer them.

Intent data plays a critical role in generating demand by helping you to get accustomed with your prospects’ buying patterns. It also helps you to monitor their buyer journey and be there in front of them when they begin their search for services/ products pr service providers.


Today, the best possible way to steer clear of the crowd and reach the right prospect at the right time is to know the prospect well and let them know you can help them with relevant solutions!

Intent signals can help you pave way to discovering more leads, reach out to good leads that are ready to buy and generate demand that can persuade the prospects to make a quick buying decision. Thus, intent data can shorten your sales cycle and accelerate business growth.



Why ABM Can be Your B2B Sales Growth Strategy in 2021

Why ABM Can be Your B2B Sales Growth Strategy in 2021

ABM (Account Based Marketing) has revolutionized the b2b sales and marketing realm. ABM not only brings hope in generating more business, but it also brings focused approach to sales and marketing and better ROI. These observations have made marketers shift their attention to growth-driving ABM programs and campaigns.

2021 is an interesting year with a mix of both, the old and new sales and lead gen techniques being deployed in the market today. In this given scenario, ABM can add a lot of value and accelerate business growth if its true power is channelized by marketers.

ABM has innumerable benefits for b2b sales enhancement.

However, here is a list of some of the best and direct benefits of ABM:

  • ABM can outperform other marketing channels
  • It can bring higher ROI
  • It can generate more revenue
  • It creates more possibility of lead conversion
  • ABM helps to increase your chances of lead conversion
  • It can help enhance business relationships
  • ABM can increase average deal size
  • Offers an opportunity to align sales and marketing teams
  • It can help enhance sales win rates
  • Close more deals

The main objective of ABM is to make it easier and efficient for the sales teams to close deals sooner. As per the research, marketers agree that ABM can be used for creating new sales opportunities and for generating more revenue.

Let us take a look at some of the strategic objectives that can be achieved with the help of ABM-


So what can you do to make sure you are successful at ABM and that it can enhance sales and overall business growth for your organization in 2021?

  1. Take a different approach that is not unilateral and adopt a more dynamic and versatile approach when you look at ABM as a revenue generating machine
  2. Resources should be experts who understand ABM and have enough experience or are trained to make the most out of the opportunities
  3. Align the sales and marketing teams and this could be one of the most beneficial things to do if you want your ABM strategy to work for your company
  4. Get the most insightful and valuable data possible through buyer journey and target accounts
  5. Use intent data wherever and whenever possible for more effective outreach, communication and results
  6. Think about the customer experience more than just the ROI
  7. Execute the strategy at the right time
  8. Measure the results for future fine-tuning of campaigns
  9. Also measure the amount of goodwill you earned and the relationships that you built with each account
  10. Use the data, experience and results to invest in sales enablement


ABM is one of the most effective ways to go forward when it comes to sales enablement, fine tuning of marketing strategies and relationship building with clients.

It is not only about ROI or growth in numbers; but it can help create totally new sales and marketing approach, enable innovation and include more competent professionals for better business outcomes. It can also help redefine the way sales and marketing teams function in a b2b organization only to give outstanding results in terms of business growth.