Telemarketing Lead Generation Can Result In A Shorter Sales Cycle

Telemarketing Lead Generation Can Result In A Shorter Sales Cycle

In today’s competitive b2b market, telemarketing for lead generation has the potential to help you close sales sooner, contributing to ROI.

Telemarketing is considered as an effective method that supports lead generation. It certainly isn’t about cold calling anymore, but is a more personalized communication technique to help delight and engage the prospect for converting into business.

So what is it about telemarketing that has the capacity to grow a business?

Telemarketing as a b2b service has the capability to engage prospects through conversations and eventually convert them into business. Trained and knowledgeable telemarketers can bring results and help you accelerate sales. 

Let us take a look at some of the reasons to love this b2b sales enablement technique.

Interaction based sales service-

Sales without interaction cannot exist. The higher the quality of sales communication, higher is the chances of conversion.

Telemarketing for lead generation involves a one-on-one communication method that certainly has higher chances of success when it comes to converting the prospect into business. This also gives the telemarketer an opportunity to know the prospect better. Hence, you can create offers as per the exact needs of the prospect.

Other b2b techniques take a longer route that involves reaching out to the leads, nurturing the leads and finally converting the leads into sales which is a part of b2b lead nurturing. But telemarketing is a quicker and efficient route to sales enablement and plays an important part in the b2b lifecycle.

This interaction based service has the capacity to convince the prospect to buy the product or service, at times instantly. A lot depends upon the quality of communication and the experts who are involved in telemarketing.

Click here to know about our telemarketing services

Personalized Conversations-

Telemarketing is used to generate sales and is very cost effective. It involves a personalized and customized communication method to delight and engage leads. In this process, the telemarketer gets to know their exact requirements. It also gives an opportunity to create more relevant positioning of the service or product to the customer in order to encourage buying decision of the customer.

The fact that a real human being is communicating encourages the prospect to talk about their requirements in detail. This proper understanding can lead to better customer experience and relationship building.


Telemarketing for lead generation is measurable and it’s this accountability feature that makes it popular amid b2b. The only way you can improvise is to revisit the calls.

With prior approval of the prospect, the calls can be recorded. One can go back to the recorded calls and monitor the quality of communication, requirements of the prospect and recognize the scope for improvement.

You can also get critical insights, statistics and other data, such as, who answered the first call, how many people were involved in the call and who might be the decision maker.  This accountability and measuring of certain parameters can help to improvise and get better results each time.


Telemarketing lead generation works for all types of business types. It works for small, medium and large businesses in b2b. One of the most useful aspects of telemarketing is that it is highly flexible and the methods used can be redefined as per the requirement.

Telemarketing when outsourced for lead generation can have huge benefits in terms of sales results. You can easily generate leads and enhance sales once you partner with an expert for telemarketing.

Why Generating B2B Sales Leads Has Become Easy With These Top 3 Techniques

Why Generating B2B Sales Leads Has Become Easy With These Top 3 Techniques

Generating B2B leads is not as difficult as it used to be in the past. New-age marketing is more about people, prospects, conversations and relationship building. If b2b organizations align these factors with their business goals and adopt best techniques, it can help attract leads that convert.

This blog talks about top 3 techniques that can help generate and convert b2b sales leads.

Boost your website performance-

Critical activities such as chasing leads, following up with prospects, email marketing, cold calling, lead nurturing take up most of the b2b marketer’s time. In this flurry of activities, the role of website and SEO can get side-lined.

But B2B marketers cannot afford to forget that their website is the true-blue lead magnet that can bring thousands of visitors who might be the leads they might be looking for.

B2B professionals can get too tied-up in the technicalities of lead generation or demand generation that also includes talking to people and engaging in conversations with the prospects, and that’s necessary for sales enhancement.

But think of a scenario where you didn’t have to spend hours and days in finding those prospects or maybe chasing those leads who finally agree to talk to you! Wouldn’t it be wonderful if those leads came to you on their own? Wouldn’t it save a lot of your time and efforts?

In order to achieve that you need to optimize your website for best results and embed powerful SEO practices to attract those leads or the relevant target audience.

Make email campaigns priority:

Email campaigns have been proved to be one of the most powerful tools for accelerating b2b sales. Several companies have realized the importance of email marketing and that, running consistent campaigns can create great sales results.

When you think of email marketing as one of the most personalized ways of contacting and communicating with prospects, you then devise innovative ways to communicate. Creating strategic and personalized email campaigns can be good for brand awareness, brand recall, follow-up, communicating with empathy and to give the best and relevant offers to the target audience.

Use gated content-

Since lead generation is not only about chasing leads, different techniques that help building relationships should also be included as a part of your strategy.

Prospects are often looking for meaningful and relevant content to learn and to get to know more insights.

Gated content works best where one can offer outstanding content assets in exchange of data. This is also a good way to know which the good leads are. Most good leads will be ready to exchange information for a downloadable asset. Gated content has more benefits as follows-

  • To create brand awareness and recall
  • To strengthen relationships
  • To shorten sales cycle
  • Helpful in lead nurturing
  • To follow up with prospects
  • To remarket and retarget

If you offer gated content to partners and prospects in the form of white paper, case studies, e-books etc. your chances of converting will most certainly increase.


There are many other methods to get those leads and convert them too. The methods you adopt should align with your business goals. Techniques such as calling warm leads, creating better content, adopting best content marketing techniques, being active on social media and establishing your brand on social media and so on and so forth are in vogue.

However, each company or business is unique; hence there is not one-size-fits-all solution to lead generation.

New-age marketing is all about conversations, generating demand and building relationships. Marketers should be willing to experiment, innovate and be open to new methods to attract, delight and engage leads.

Simple Practices To Help You Take Charge of Lead Generation

Simple Practices To Help You Take Charge of Lead Generation

With economic uncertainty still continuing in the market, lead generation has become even more important. Marketers are now focusing on weeding out lead gen challenges and addressing its pain points first.

This blog talks about the various challenges of lead generation and how marketers can weed out some of the obstacles that are stopping them from achieving success.

Before you adopt new techniques, it’s important to identify the major obstacles in lead generation-

  • Understanding your target audience really well
  • Deciding and implementing on a strategy that works in favor of attracting new leads
  • Having skilled personnel who can bring leads home
  • Building response teams to respond and follow up with leads
  • Tracking leads and monitoring the lead gen activities
  • Partnering with other firms for collaborative lead gen activities
  • Budgeting lead gen activities and parallel activities to speed up conversion
  • Acquiring leads that convert easily or quickly
  • Generating demand that attracts good leads
  • Agreeing internally on which strategies to undertake for accelerating lead gen processes
  • Actual implementation of lead gen campaigns with the decided road map
  • Having sales and marketing teams to collaborate and be on the same page
  • Having seamless communication between functions that are involved in lead gen directly or indirectly
  • Creating and providing valuable and unique content assets to prospects and partners
  • Tracking and measuring lead gen results for better performance in the future


It’s surprising that the above long list of obstacles in lead generation still exists and that weeding out these challenges is still an uphill task. However, the good news is that, one can not only let go of these challenges permanently, but can also achieve incredible results by understanding certain factors that really cause these problems.

Let us look at some of the best methods to overcome these challenges-

Understating target audience really well

The number one obstacle in getting those leads or generating demand is the lack of knowledge about your target audience!

One must have the urge and willingness to put in efforts to look beyond just the basic profile of the customer that is based on firmographics and demographics.

To understand the target audience really well is to acquire thorough knowledge about their likes and dislikes, their buying decisions, their buying history, their preferences or chosen companies, time taken to make those decisions, other influences and influencers on their buying decisions etc.

Talking to some of your best clients can reveal a lot about their deep rooted business challenges and which factors affect their buying decisions. It will also reveal why they chose you over your competitors allowing you to implement similar solutions for your prospects.

Getting to know your existing clients can help you get a clearer picture of what could be your prospects’ current challenges and how to address them with the right solution. It will then help you chart out a more specific strategy and then offer solutions from case to case. It will help you create personalized messaging that will attract, delight and engage your new prospects for better conversion.

Allocate right resources for right roles-

Often companies fumble when it comes to choosing right resources for the right job and even in clearly defining roles. This can create a huge dent when it comes to performance and results.

Often, people are less qualified or they are even over-qualified for a certain role and it starts reflecting on their performance with time.

Lead generation is a specialized activity and it is the lifeline of b2b companies. Therefore, only skilled personnel who look at lead gen as an activity that goes beyond just numbers can make a big difference in the results.

People, who like to understand what is going on beyond the basics of decision making of a prospect, can understand their target audience really well.

Also, lead generation resources should be working exclusively on generating and converting leads. This will allow them to dedicate their time and efforts solely on lead gen activities, rather than using that time up in other sales activities.


Challenges are plenty, but solutions are not too far away if you look in the right direction.  

Smart marketers have now started looking at lead gen as a relationship building activity than just some activity that is done only to acquire leads. This shift is slowly reflecting on the various lead gen practices and strategies that are now being adopted by lead gen companies and vendors for better business outputs.

Why B2B Marketers Should Embrace Content Syndication

Why B2B Marketers Should Embrace Content Syndication

Content syndication has a lot of potential when it comes to increasing brand awareness and generating good leads. However, b2b marketers are yet to leverage its power fully for enhancing lead generation and to augment sales.

It is time to focus on this power-house collaborative effort of content syndication to discover wider target audience and to discover new business opportunities.

Content Syndication is about publishing content from one source to many platforms and sites.

The sole purpose of content syndication is to get more visibility, increase brand awareness and thus get more sales. Marketers have started taking content syndication very seriously as the results of this hybrid way of sales prospecting are very promising.

As per Demand Gen report, almost 30% of B2B marketers consider content syndication as their most effective lead gen tactic. Almost 56% of b2b marketers have increased spend on content creation since 2019 (CMI).

The need for content syndication is increasing day by day as b2b marketers are realizing its utility and advantages.

Here are some benefits of content syndication that every b2b marketer must pay attention to:

  • Increased opportunities for better business outcomes
  • Wider audience reach
  • Discovery of wider target audience other than the ones that already exist
  • Brand awareness and strengthening of brand reputation
  • Getting more leads
  • Getting leads that convert
  • Increase in sales
  • Making sales prospecting effective

Multi- channel approach-

Content syndication involves the use of a multi-channel approach. A multi-channel approach increases the probability of more and more people viewing your content. They will get to see your company and its services and solutions creating more business opportunities.

Instead of using only social media for content distribution, content syndication is a more dynamic activity that can produce good leads.

Several high ranking sites can publish your content and the audience that visits those sites will get to see your content and thus know more about your brand.

Since this is about getting more exposure in the market, one needs to make sure they produce and distribute only high quality and valuable content that is also relevant.

Use Tailored Content-

Other than having a wider reach for more opportunities, content syndication can work better if you use tailored content that aligns with what the customers are looking for. This can be an effective way of attracting, delighting and engaging customers. Relevant and meaningful content can give you results and not just any content.

Generate Demand-

Content syndication can also help in generating demand. Content syndication can be used as a tool to educate the audience and make them realize that you have the solution they need. This can up your demand gen game instead of you having to chase leads all the time.

By providing content to a wider audience who might be in search of the solutions you provide, you can generate more demand for your solutions instead.

How to build effective content syndication strategy for more leads?

Get your goals right-

Before starting any content syndication activity, one needs to assess the requirement for content syndication. You need to evaluate the real need for content syndication. You need to seek answers to questions such as, do we really need it and if yes what are our business goals. B2B marketers who wish to deploy content syndication should set proper goals.

Strategic content syndication always gets better results. Depending upon the type of leads you want, or if you need to partner with other companies; content syndication can always help. If your goal is to get more website traffic or create more brand awareness, in any case content syndication can get you the best results you need.

Go for content assets that align with your business goals-

Now that you have decided your objectives and business goals it’s time to pick the right content that aligns with those goals. Create and choose only that content which aligns with your audience. Publish content that not only showcases your skill sets, but also the one that tells your customers that you are a problem solver for their business challenges.


B2B companies are still yet to completely explore content syndication, but it is time they optimize this multi-channel activity for business benefits. If marketers focus on content syndication as one of the major activities for generating leads, they surely can achieve their targets and add to their customer base.