The five best techniques to generate and convert leads in 2021

The five best techniques to generate and convert leads in 2021

Ideas and innovative strategies can surely bring more leads. Data, insights, and a multichannel approach can help b2b marketers attract and convert leads. 2021 is certainly the year to think out of the box and leverage what you already have in order to convert leads and enhance sales.

This blog talks about some of the best-chosen techniques that you should use in 2021 that will help you to grab the best leads and even give you some new ideas for converting leads quickly.

Grab the leads with Account-Based Marketing– Shift your focus from the top of the funnel for a while and move it to the targeted accounts and the right leads. This guarantees lead conversion. After all, you want to convert the leads and not just chase them. ABM is your thing if you want to convert leads and build relationships.

Use diverse plans for better results– Make sure you adopt a mixed bag of strategies and activities that will yield you the desired results. Instead of sticking to just one of two channels, adopt a multi-channel approach and bring more diversity in your marketing strategies. It will enhance and multiply your opportunities for more lead conversion.

Optimize your website– As plain as it may sound, it is actually one of the most critical things to be done if you want more leads. There was a time when designing and developing a website was a one-time job and the same content existed on the website for ages. But it’s no longer the same today.

Today your website is your lead magnet. Most of the visitors landing on your website could be leads and many of them would actually be interested in engaging with you further. Make sure you optimize the website by updating the design, have great and fresh content and have smart CTAs placed at the right place.

Focus on communication– Sales will exist as long as communication will exist! Great communication is the key to enhanced sales and more leads. This is the age of communication and there couldn’t have been a better way of getting those leads converted than by engaging in conversations with the prospect. Talk with them what they want to hear and not what you want to say. Bring empathy in your conversations and focus on building rapport.

Relationship building is a strong pillar on which your business can thrive. There’s nothing more meaningful than human connection. All the bots and tools can come later!

Make data work for you-  Without the right data, you will most likely be unable to achieve your goals. Lead generation heavily relies on having the right data. Clean and accurate data is the lifeline for b2b lead generation and if you are not targeting the right personas and not contacting the right people, you will not get those leads converted.

Make sure you not only give priority to data but also make the organization data-centric. This will inculcate the value of data in teams that contribute towards lead generation and conversion.

Other than the above, don’t forget to focus on content. Content is being consumed by customers at various different levels and formats today. The more variety of content and insights you give out, the more leads you attract. Customers have a huge appetite for content and today’s market is buzzing with content assets being offered to customers from b2b organizations. Provide a mix of content assets in various different formats and you will have a loyal customer base already.


B2B lead generation is challenging, but you can make it easy by implementing new ideas and leveraging what you already have. Focus on the right target audience, communicate often with the prospects, and nurture leads to get the best results.

How Effective Telemarketing Can Help You To Convert More Leads

How Effective Telemarketing Can Help You To Convert More Leads

Different techniques can be used to acquire b2b leads. Telemarketing is one such technique that has a lot of advantages. It helps b2b marketers to directly engage in conversations with their prospects and convert the leads quickly into business.

Telemarketing used for lead generation gives you the opportunity to build rapport and sell the service or product quickly by understanding the exact needs of the customer.

In this blog you will find out how using telemarketing for lead generation can help marketers to convert leads and accelerate sales.

Why telemarketing is an important part of your lead generation strategy?

Telemarketing has always been a part of traditional marketing; however, it is still very relevant and even crucial for lead acquisition and conversion. Today’s customers value communication and conversations. In the digital world, the buying decisions of customers are based on the quality of communication with sales.

There has also been a massive transformation in the way businesses market themselves today. The past year and a half have brought innumerable changes in the way people do business and the way customers perceive products or services.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to convey a company’s value proposition!

Therefore, talking directly with the customers is helping marketers to establish a dialogue and convince customers to buy from them. Companies are now focusing on telemarketing as an important part of their lead generation strategy.

Demand generation companies specializing in telemarketing lead generation can provide leads that are targeted specifically to a company’s best prospects.  The prospects have had communication of substance with the telemarketer, and have been asked specific questions, that make this type of lead superior in quality.

The challenge of converting leads-

Lead generation and lead conversion still remain a major challenge for b2b marketers. Several tried and tested strategies have been used by companies for generating leads and converting them into business. However, the recent trends suggest that speaking directly with the prospects can help in acquiring better quality leads that convert.

Lead generation and conversion become challenging due to a lot of factors. A lack of understanding of the customer’s needs and communication gap can lead to a failure in converting leads. This gap can be bridged by using telemarketing, as a means to generate leads. Expert telemarketers in demand generation companies possess strong knowledge and understanding of the target audience and the market too.

How a demand generation partner can help you to convert leads-

  • Professional telemarketers can generate qualified leads to increase sales
  • Experts can help build a stellar script for maximum results
  • Experienced telemarketers know the pulse of the market and that of the target audience that a company hopes to generate leads from.
  • Well trained and dedicated telemarketers can help build a robust brand image
  • Knowledge is power, hence understanding of the end customer is a huge advantage
  • Immediate feedback makes it possible to customize offers
  • Expert telemarketers help you to optimize your database


Telemarketing for lead generation is a valuable tool to generate higher quality leads that convert to business. Today businesses are using everything from social media to email marketing in order to generate new leads. However, telemarketing continues to be a successful practice to acquire higher quality leads, due to the personal interaction that occurs.

Telemarketing for lead generation has a long history of success and continues to be used by many companies, in all industries.

How To Use Demand Generation For Enhancing Sales for Tech Companies

How To Use Demand Generation For Enhancing Sales for Tech Companies

B2B technology companies have a different set of challenges when it comes to generating leads. A crowded market, tough competition and a lack of brand visibility are some of the factors that can affect sales. In this situation, demand gen partners can help tech companies adopt different techniques to attract and convert leads.

B2B marketers struggle to get those leads and convert them into business. For years lead generation was more about quantity over quality. More numbers were equivalent to doing good business, but converting those leads has always been a challenging job.

Today things have changed. Companies are now focusing upon good, quality leads that have higher chances of conversion. Marketers are now investing in generating demand rather than chasing leads and the same is applicable for tech companies too.

Demand gen partners for technology companies can focus on retargeting; remarketing and have great content assets reach and convert the target audience into business.

So how does demand generation work?

  • Generate leads through email campaigns, website, and SEO, social media, guest blogging, influencer marketing, telemarketing etc.
  • Use lead scoring methods to identify the true buyer and the prospective buyers who have shown interest in your services
  • Align sales and marketing teams to identify and agree upon good leads to further move them to the nurturing stage
  • Nurture good leads by engaging prospects in conversations, using content assets to finally drive them to conversion

Having a data culture also helps a lot. Data-driven demand gen can have a lot of advantages for tech companies. After all, you don’t want to waste your time and efforts on an outdated database. Hence, demand gen partners who want to help tech companies with leads should focus on data.

Using demand generation techniques has always been a clever thing to do for generating and converting leads.

  • Get good, qualified leads that convert into business
  • Identify and enhance sales opportunities
  • Make lead generation more cost-effective
  • Generate brand awareness
  • Stay in the eye-line of the customers so that they can approach you
  • Communicate with perfect messaging about how technology can solve their business challenges
  • Create differentiating factors that can help you to shine in the crowded market
  • Build rapport with prospects and connect with them for long-term business relationship

Here are some simple demand gen strategies that can change the way you do tech business-

Leverage the potential of content assets-

Use and leverage the power of content by creating insightful and helpful content assets. You can generate demand easily if you give the prospects what they are looking for. It could be in the form of infographics, data, statistics, insightful and knowledgeable articles, blogs, whitepapers, e-books, facts and figures, latest market research, news, and much more.

Generating demand can be an easy process if you know the customer better and provide him with what he is looking for. Content assets can also help build trust and rapport between you and your prospect.

Retarget customers-

Remarketing and retargeting works in today’s times. B2B marketers therefore should not hesitate to retarget or remarket and should use this as an opportunity to engage with the prospects this time around.

Use telemarketing to remarket, wherein you can directly engage and have a meaningful conversation with the target audience. Send e-mailers, run Google ads to retarget potential customers with relevant and exciting offers.


Demand generation is an interesting method to help technology companies enhance sales through good leads that convert. Technology companies have specific target audiences and retargeting prospects, telemarketing, focusing on content assets can bring great results.

How To Finally Get The Leads You Always Wanted With The Help Of Telemarketing

How To Finally Get The Leads You Always Wanted With The Help Of Telemarketing

What’s the most unique thing about telemarketing? It’s personalization!

Personalization is one of the most effective techniques to get those leads and convert them into business. Telemarketing therefore can be one of the most powerful techniques to enhance lead generation.

Telemarketing is not new to b2b. However, marketers are now realizing its true power; the technique of talking to the prospects directly, to nurture leads and deliver immediate results.

B2B sales thrive on leads, hence telemarketing is one of the best options to get those leads converted into business.

This blog talks about how to leverage telemarketing for lead generation.

Telemarketing is a time-tested b2b marketing technique that is known to deliver instant results. However, its unique quality of personalization can bring more benefits than one can imagine. So how does one leverage this power to enhance lead generation and sales?

Have a robust script-

There is no one-size-fits-all formula when it comes to telemarketing and the script. Your script needs to be a stellar one because it is the first impression that you will create for your prospect. It will also reflect your brand value, create brand recall, and make the prospect remember you at the time of a follow-up call.

A flexible script that helps establish trust also helps to generate leads. A script can act as a guiding light. It is ultimately up to the telemarketer how he leverages the strength of the script and uses it to communicate effectively with the prospect.

Fluent, confident, and empathetic talk almost always creates a good impression. This is a first step but a very important and critical one if you want your prospect to say yes to that demo or the offer that engages the prospect further.

Personalization should be at the core of the script if you want telemarketing to work for you.

Hence the script plays a major role in telemarketing and it’s important that the telemarketer is well trained to deliver the best results.

Reliable database-

If you are going to invest your resources and time in telemarketing, you might as well have the right database with you. Your database could be a major reason why your telemarketing is or isn’t working.  

Make sure that you are targeting the right audience and are talking to the right prospects that are most likely to convert. An updated list of contacts or databases is a must if you want prospects who are interested in listening to you.

Do not waste your time and resources talking to people from a list that is not updated. For immediate results, you must have a strong and updated contact list.

Following up is nurturing-

Remember, lead generation thrives on nurturing. Telemarketers must focus on a follow-up call if they want those leads to fill in that form or engage the prospect further.

Never forget to follow up; you never know that a follow-up call could actually initiate the lead conversion.

A follow-up call also shows that you remember and that you care for the needs of the prospect. Always engage in meaningful and relevant conversation; one that addresses the pain points and challenges of the prospect’s business.


Telemarketing should be about building a relationship with the prospect, to bridge the gaps in communication so that the prospect trusts you enough to do business with you. Adopting a few good techniques in telemarketing can certainly help you to generate and convert leads for better business outcomes.