How to Empower Your Demand Generation Strategy in 2022

How to Empower Your Demand Generation Strategy in 2022

B2B marketers always have to sweat it out to get those leads and then convert those leads into paying customers. If you are a B2B marketer and you want to stop this endless game of chasing leads and instead start attracting leads with better results then you must shift your focus on demand generation.

Existing accounts are important for marketers; however, creating more brand awareness and focusing on attracting new leads through demand generation also means more conversions and thus more revenue.

Demand generation being a dynamic and complex marketing activity, one definitely needs a robust strategy that can create sustainable revenue growth.

This blog throws light on how you can make your demand generation strategy strong so that it can bring you the desired results.

Focus on ABM

Don’t forget that ABM or account based marketing is an important element of your demand generation strategy. ABM is already redefining b2b marketing. Targeting accounts that have high potential of generating revenue should be prioritised by marketers. After identifying these accounts, one should then focus on enhancing these accounts by providing them with more content assets and also provide services that can help them resolve their business challenges.

Align sales and marketing

One of the most critical aspects of your demand generation activities and in fact your entire b2b sales and marketing dynamic is the alignment between sales and marketing teams. This has become vital for success in b2b today. If you want to work on your demand generation strategy to make it strong, sustainable and workable the first thing you must address is the alignment between sales and marketing team.

Both the teams need to be on the same page and need to define what good leads are. More collaboration between sales and marketing teams can help marketers to achieve their goals quickly. This can help marketers to streamline demand generation activities too for better business outcomes.

Create relevant content assets

Gone are the days when generic content worked for all stages of the sales funnel. Today with customers being more aware of what they need and where to get it from, they also expect to receive insights that can add value and align with their objectives.

Creating content assets that are in-line with the customers’ requirements and their preferences can most likely attract and delight your customers. This in turn will help you in the demand generation. Content and content assets play an important role in strengthening your demand generation strategy and without the right and relevant content you won’t be able to pull off a successful demand gen plan.


Instead of chasing leads, its time b2b marketers focus on generating demand and attracting more leads that convert. This will help them convert leads quickly, build strong relationships and grow revenue.

If you are looking at ways to enhance your demand generation activity or are looking for hyper-targeted leads that convert quickly, email us at


What has changed for lead generation in 2022 a quick look at the new B2B rulebook

What has changed for lead generation in 2022 a quick look at the new B2B rulebook

The new environment in the b2b market in the past two years posed some new challenges for b2b marketers. Some of the major changes that have occurred in the market over the past two years have now made marketers rewrite some of the b2b sales and marketing rules!  Let us find out and discuss some of the interesting changes in b2b in 2022 and how it has changed lead generation in the post-pandemic business world.

Before 2020, it was a norm for sales people to invest time in conferences, face-to-face meetings, visit trade centers and anything that involved a direct human interaction. Today things are pretty different! The market in 2022 has changed a lot in terms of digital interface, the way sales are being conducted and also in terms of customer expectations.

As per the Mckinsey, nearly 70% of b2b stake-holders and decision-makers now prefer remote human interactions! This is a huge shift and it is bound to affect many sales and marketing practices and methodologies. With customers not wanting to go back to the traditional ways of engaging with sellers, marketers have been compelled to create a new rule book for b2b and lead generation in 2022.

What has changed for b2b in 2022?

B2B buyers and sellers prefer digital

A lot has changed in the way people approach selling and buying across different platforms. According to McKinsey, over three quarters of buyers and sellers now prefer a digital interface and also remote human engagement more than a face-to-face interaction; the main reason being convenience as buyers are happy to save time and efforts in buying things easily online. This applies to various products and services. Prospects are now doing their own research in finding the right b2b vendors and they show an inclination towards preferring those vendors who communicate with a touch of personalization. Prospects prefer those marketers who invest in nurturing leads and are also delighted with those who share free and insightful content assets.

More demand for demand generation

New-age buyers are really looking forward to sellers who are offering them exactly what they are looking for. This demand-need dynamics and its interplay has initiated new trends and has encouraged b2b marketers to focus on demand generation- generating demand for products and services that are more aligned with what the customers want.

Demand generation techniques that include nurturing the leads and creating a more favorable buying ambience for customers to engage with marketers are a major change in the b2b market today. Instead of marketers having to chase leads, they can now engage their customers by being more customer-centric, using the right communication channels at the right time and offering them customized solutions.

It’s all about being there in front of the customer even before he contacts you!

Inculcating a go-to-market approach

One of the most significant changes amid b2b marketers has been in the overall approach in the marketing techniques and processes. This includes hyper-personalization and having a go-to-market strategy. But this will take root only when it seeps into the organization across all its functions. Preparing content assets that are also go-to-market and creating processes that are versatile and customer-centric are some of the major changes in b2b in 2022.


This dynamic change could just be the beginning of a revolutionary phase in the b2b market which will unfold more and more with time. But the transformation has surely begun and as long as marketers are embracing digital and aligning their strategies with the changing customer expectations, it will always be a win-win situation for both, marketers as well as customers!!!


Top 3 influential trends of B2B in 2022  and how these trends are impacting businesses

Top 3 influential trends of B2B in 2022 and how these trends are impacting businesses

The B2B market has been going through some significant changes over the past few years. Right from technologies to tools, the overall sales approach to customer mind-set, there has been a paradigm shift in the way business are being conducted today and also in the way product and services are being sold to the customers. Marketers are now focusing on intent data, personalization, data-driven decision making and email marketing. All these have helped companies grow their business with more leads and conversions.

Let us see how some of these prominent and value-based B2B marketing activities are impacting businesses today!

Increased use of intent data

If you want to speed up the purchase process of customers, use intent data! It is one of the most effective and lucrative tools of b2b providing predictive intelligence and smart insights such as data about the buying history, buying inclinations, purchase predictability in terms of timing and product and services and more.

Intent data when coupled with technology tools can be a great solution for all your data challenges, along with your lead generation challenges. The increasing use of intent data is testimony to the fact that marketers are swearing by intent data and are already witnessing incredible results in terms of sale and ROI.

Data-driven decision-making

Data will always reveal the truth and it will only help marketers see the real picture with more clarity than ever before. Data is the backbone of b2b and its value can help companies not just drive campaigns successfully, but also encourage data-driven decision making which can help establish potential contacts and conversations with prospects.

Data-backed decisions will always be informed decisions and strategically they are most likely to be the right decisions. Data is an integral part of the business world today, and nothing functions without the right data and insights. Naturally data-driven decision making is one of the most significant changes in the b2b landscape.

Personalized email marketing

Traditional emails have evolved drastically and the focus has now shifted on to strategic personalized messaging with empathy being the main element of communication. This significant change in email marketing is not only seen in terms of tools and technology; it can also be seen in the way sales communication is done through emails.

Though we are talking about B2B, at the end of the day, it is all about communication between person-to-person. Based on the buyer persona, buyer’s journey and other important insights, marketers are now keen on crafting personalized messages for maximum impact. For a more personal brand experience, companies are hyper-personalizing the email experience for every customer. This is hugely and positively impacting the open-rate, click rate in email marketing, thus helping marketers to leverage the power of this incredible communication tool.


Evolution is the key to growth! This applies to the business world and more so in 2022. The above trends such as personalization in email marketing, intent data and data-backed decision making are all proof that b2b marketing is maturing and moving ahead with more promising and result-oriented sales and marketing activities. It’s the time to partner with experts to leverage these high potential marketing activities for more lead conversions, sales and ROI.


Build strong ABM campaigns with these simple techniques and get high ROI

Build strong ABM campaigns with these simple techniques and get high ROI

Account based marketing can be a game-changer when it comes to b2b sales and ROI. It can help marketers to focus on exclusive, high potential accounts and leads that can convert into business. Marketers must use different techniques of ABM to optimize it and make the best use of this innovating marketing practice.

This blog throws light on some simple yet effective techniques that can help reduce your time to close deals and strengthen customer relationships while optimizing ABM.

Tiered Target list-

Having a target list is important for successful ABM! Begin with specific and clear ideal customer profiles and buyer personas to be able to identify the high potential prospects. This will help you to build a strong TAL and thus you can simplify ABM. After you have worked out the ideal candidates or leads you can then create a tiered target list to know who it is that you need to prioritize. This tiered target list and ideal customer profiles can help you with many things such as creating personalized messaging, building unique sales strategies and nurturing techniques around specific tiered lists and the prospects within that list.

Sales and Marketing alignment-

Today, the sales and marketing teams need to be aligned for almost all b2b activities to function properly. Since ABM involves high potential accounts it is even more important that the sales and marketing teams are on the same page when it comes to choosing the right leads that will convert. It is also important that they agree upon the type of messaging that will go out to persuade those leads to convert and also agree upon processes and other factors that can impact ABM results.

Streamlined communication between sales and marketing teams is the need of the time so that marketers can leverage the potential in exclusive marketing activities such as ABM and thus convert leads into sales for better ROI.

Aligned content assets –

Today messaging and communication is crucial for creating a positive impact on leads. When customers are well aware of what they want and where to get the services they need, the responsibility on marketers increases manifold in order to reach out to the prospects with relevant and insightful content for generating demand and to attract and delight leads so that they engage further.

This is where content assets come into play as they have a very important role in b2b sales and marketing. High potential accounts in ABM need to receive outstanding content assets at different stages of the sales funnel. It is important that you provide the right insights, valuable statistics and relevant information to prospects at each stage. White-papers, e-books, blogs or infographics that can create an impact on prospects can be huge sales influencers in ABM.


ABM has a huge potential in terms of sales conversions and in increasing company ROI. A mainstream b2b marketing activity; ABM can be a game-changer for b2b companies. If you plan to invest in ABM follow the above techniques to make sure you get the ROI.