How to drive account-based marketing with personalization

How to drive account-based marketing with personalization

High impact B2B sales and marketing activities can be demanding and can get very expensive. Since B2B today focuses a lot on personalization, marketers need to find the best possible method to enhance personalization and also make B2B cost-effective. ABM (Account Based Marketing) can be a great option if you want conversions and higher ROI. ABM can drive personalization and can be quite cost-effective bringing the desired results.

The very reason why B2B marketers should use this technique is because ABM leads you to focus exclusively on high-value accounts, and high return accounts that can bring a lot of B2B success. With account-based marketing, you can scale personalization and create opportunities for converting more leads.

According to a survey conducted by Gartner, the best way to engage buyers is to personalize communication. Relevance matters a lot in B2B and account-based marketing can help marketers address business challenges of the customers and build long term relationships. This is possible because of the high level of focus that ABM facilitates and marketers can therefore make the best out of this exclusivity.

Here are some benefits of ABM at a glance-

  • ABM is result-oriented
  • It allows marketers to scale personalization
  • Helps build long term business relationships
  • Creates highest possibilities of ROI

Account-based marketing is a high-priority marketing technique. One can leverage ABM by taking the following steps-

Identify high priority accounts

The first rule of ABM is that sales and marketing should work in collaboration for best results. Marketing team should work closely with sales team. The next thing is to identify ideal customer profiles, based on high-value data. Data plays an extremely crucial role in ABM as it does in other sales and marketing activities.

Identify needs of the target accounts

Data plays a vital role in ABM because marketers need to collect insights about the needs of the target accounts. Without data it can get very challenging to know what the customer wants. As an ABM expert you must be able to understand each account and tis challenges well. You must be aware of a lot of insights about the buyer’s journey, the budgets, decision-makers in the account or organization, stake-holders, roles and responsibilities and more.

Create personalized content

B2B thrives on personalization! Messaging plays a key role in ABM and other main-stream sales and marketing activities. Email marketing can enhance personalization in ABM. Create relevant messaging that can help the customer to identify the solution. With relevant and personalized content and messaging, the customer is most likely to buy from you. This helps in high-value accounts as ABM is about focus and exclusivity.


ABM is a cost-effective and result-oriented marketing technique. With ABM you can reach the target audience at a relevant time to convert more leads quickly. Leverage personalization to cater to high-value ABM accounts and increase your revenue successfully.






How increased data efficiencies can lead to more B2B conversions

How increased data efficiencies can lead to more B2B conversions

The pattern in which B2B buyers are evaluating and purchasing products and services has changed drastically over the past two years.  With digital-first B2B buyers, customer-focused data and data-driven decision-making is becoming crucial. In today’s digital context, data means knowledge and knowledge is power! Therefore, insights-driven campaigns are getting popular amid B2B bringing the spotlight on to the powerful tool of today’s B2B market called intent data.

Before we talk more about the advantages and benefits of intent data, let us see some common data challenges that B2B marketers face today—

Data challenges faced by B2B marketers

  • Lack of a unified database
  • Lack of efficient data management and organization
  • Unable to gain knowledge about the customers due to scattered data
  • No value from data and lack of predictive intelligence
  • Absence of intelligent insights due to poor data
  • No scope to prioritize or segment leads for better B2B conversions and results

Intent data offers incredible benefits of timely engagement and hyper personalization making B2B sales and marketing more effective.

Here are some more benefits of intent data-

  • Customer-centric engagement
  • Helps in identifying precise solutions for specific target audience
  • Provides customer-focused data and insights
  • Enables data-driven decision making
  • Shortens sales cycle
  • Helps in ABM planning and implementation
  • Provides behavioral data that indicates prospects’ interest
  • Timed action can be taken due to intent signals

Things you achieve with intent data

Improved conversion rate-

Intent data signals can tell a lot about your customers. It can highlight where the customer is in the buying cycle and most importantly it can reveal insights about when the customer is most likely to make a buying decision.

These insights can help marketers stay prepared and be present in front of the customer before he takes the buying decision or approaches any competitor. It can also help marketers to create customized solutions as per the customer’s needs and challenges. This increases the conversion rate and ROI.

Increased sales velocity-

Intent data can help B2B marketers accelerate sales. It can help vendors to enhance lead scoring and identify high-value leads that can easily convert into business. This shortens the sales cycle and marketers can accelerate lead conversions and sales.

Increased data efficiencies:

Inefficient data handling, management and organization leaves a room for a lot of errors and this can lead to slowing down of the lead conversion process.  Data is very critical in B2B sales and marketing and intent data is the best tool to help you to accelerate sales. It can help organizations to carry out effective sales and marketing.  


Intent data can offer a cohesive and structured data for B2B enterprises; the kind of data that actually works. Without data it is challenging to run successful lead generation, demand generation or any other B2B activities today. You can accelerate sales, get to know buyer personas and increase lead conversions with intent data.

We partner with Bombora, the leader in intent data that collects B2B intent, demographic and firmographic data at scale and thus can help you enhance lead conversions and sales.



Effectiveness of multi-channel marketing in B2B strategic elements challenges and more

Effectiveness of multi-channel marketing in B2B strategic elements, challenges and more

Today’s customers are everywhere on the web. In order to attract customers, marketers need to be present on different channels and platforms. Multi-channel marketing is therefore gaining popularity, as it is proving to be helpful in widening the reach of b2b vendors in the market and enhancing lead generation and conversions.

This blog highlights different aspects of multi-channel marketing, its various challenges, some necessary strategic elements to make it effective and its impact on lead generation and sales.

To begin with, let us take a quick look at some statistics about the current state of multi-channel marketing—

As per the research report by Ascend2, almost 67% of marketing professionals feel that multi-channel marketing strategy is somewhat successful in helping them achieve their business goals, whereas, 23% marketers feel that multi-channel marketing is very successful or outstanding compared to their competitors.

The fact about multi-channel marketing is that it is a strategic marketing activity and it needs to have some essential elements to make it really successful.

Let us see some strategic elements necessary for the success of multi-channel marketing. But before that, lets us deep dive into some of the major challenges of multi-channel marketing.

Challenges of multi-channel marketing

The market is buzzing with new ideas when it comes to b2b sales and marketing. But not all techniques succeed at all times. There are many challenges that marketers have to face when it comes to implementing activities such as multi-channel marketing.

So, what are some of the most critical challenges?



Other than the above, there are some more challenges that marketers have to face such as conflicting data, disconnected technology stack etc.

Analysis of results is important in multi-channel marketing

Strategic elements matter a lot in multi-channel marketing- the most essential being the accurate measurement of performance. The reason why many marketers aren’t getting the desired success in multi-channel marketing is because they lack in strategic positioning and implementation of this versatile marketing activity.

Therefore, if you want to implement a multi-channel marketing campaign your strategy must include the critical element of measurement of results. You simply cannot carry out this dynamic activity without knowing the response, and without the knowledge of how the current strategy is performing.


Although there are multiple challenges in implementing multi-channel marketing, things are changing in this realm. As per research conducted by Ascend2, almost 86% marketers feel that multi-channel marketing is effective and over 68% say that the change in effectiveness is moderate, while 18% report a significant change.

Although multi-channel marketing is a promising activity in the b2b industry, it needs to have a strategic foundation and marketers need to be willing to address the challenges and fix them in order to fully optimize the potential of multi-channel marketing. The types of channels and the quality of those channels also play a crucial role in increasing the effectiveness of the multi-channel marketing.


Multi-channel marketing is a complex activity, but it is the need of the time, as users are all over the place on the web. If you want to attract leads and convert them into business, think of using strategic multi-channel marketing that can widen your reach and can give you the desired results.



3 Unique Methods to Step-up B2B Lead Conversion

3 Unique Methods to Step-up B2B Lead Conversion

Did you know that almost 91% of marketers consider lead generation as their most important goal and that content marketing generated three times as many leads compared to outbound marketing also costing less than half? Research says, that the most commonly used b2b lead generation strategies are content marketing which is 67% and email marketing which is nearly 78%.

B2B lead generation is not a simple or straight-forward process. Hence, marketers should avoid repeating the same strategy each time. For best results, one should invest time and efforts in analyzing each stage of the funnel and adopt some unique methods to ease some of the challenges in lead generation.

B2B involves a lot of decision-makers at various stages. Therefore, one needs to deploy variety of methods to nurture leads at different stages of the sales funnel in order to finally convert leads into business. In such a scenario its best that marketers get to know the buyer persona and then customize solutions as per the need of the customer.

Communication is the key-

Communication is important with the customers and with internally too with the team. Cross-functional communication is also important in lead generation. It may not be a technique, but it can help on a certain level.

Once you know the objectives, processes and strategies and the plan, there will be more clarity within the organization. You can then study, compare and analyze the campaigns, resources and later on the results too. For all this to happen smoothly, communication within the organization is critical for success of any campaign.

Right lead information-

Before one proceeds to establish contact or communicate with the prospect, a thorough study of the prospect is necessary. Capturing the right information of the lead can help you to convert that lead easily. Lead-forms play a significant role in conversions too.  How you build the form can impact your results and the information you get at the end of the day from the lead.

Analyzing the funnel-

Analysis of the funnel is a significant process in lead generation.

Lead generation processes involve different stages and the funnel plays an important role in determining how quickly the leads are likely to get converted and to know what the status of the lead is at each stage of the funnel.

In order to get best results, marketers must analyze the funnel performance from time to time. Each resource who is involved at different stages of the funnel must monitor and analyze the results and be very vigilant so that there is a record of which leads are performing as per expectations and which stage of the funnel has maximum loss of leads. After this analysis, steps should be taken to rectify mistakes and create solutions that will reduce the loss in the number of leads at that particular stage of the funnel.


More techniques and processes can be deployed to make sure each stage of the funnel is optimized so that leads don’t drop out. Lead forms should also be built smartly so that you get the right data. Lead generation is not a simple process, so a combination of techniques and methods can help marketers to accelerate lead conversion.

(Statistics source- Rule analytics, Pipeline, Startup Bonsai)