Segmenting B2B Audience for Effective Demand Generation

Segmenting B2B Audience for Effective Demand Generation

One of the most important aspects of demand generation is generating leads and turning them into potential customers. However, it is challenging to generate high-quality leads and audience segmentation makes it simple. It helps marketers to tailor the best outreach messages that help in adding quality leads to the sales pipeline.

Let us understand how segmenting a B2B audience can help optimize your marketing efforts for effective demand generation.

Know your platforms – When planning a marketing campaign, evaluate the channels that are effective and where your target audience is consuming more information. It will help you segment your audience on the basis of channels where your audience is interacting more. This way can help you distribute more content.

Understanding the Customer’s Needs – Not all buyers are at the same stage of the sales funnel so it’s important to be in tune with them at every stage. Through personalized promotion, you can attract your target audience which eventually helps you to generate more leads. Once you’ve generated those leads you can observe their needs and interests that will help you to segment them and provide the content based on their needs.

Creating Relevant Content – once you segment your audience, you can create customized content on the basis of the needs of your audience. Content is useful when it reaches the right audience and when they need it the most. So segmentation helps you to align your content according to the buyers’’ journey that helps in nurturing them effectively.

Generating High-Quality Leads – Segmentation helps marketers to nurture the audience at each stage of the funnel by proving them best content at the best time which leads to converting them into potential buyers.


Segmenting a B2B audience helps marketers to understand the audience and their needs. It’s the best way that helps marketers to get familiar with the audience by providing personalized messaging to the audience. With segmentation, organizations can win the trust of their audience by understanding their needs and interests.




Why a Solution Oriented Approach Can Be Your Biggest Lead Magnet in B2B

Why a Solution Oriented Approach Can Be Your Biggest Lead Magnet in B2B

Offering value to your prospects is the first step in attracting them into the sales funnel. If marketers focus on creating solutions that can solve the business challenges of their prospective customers it would probably be the best value addition. This can significantly reduce the overall lead generation challenges too.

Here are some ways in which you can reduce your lead generation challenges and create solid lead magnets through the following techniques.

Share knowledge

In today’s tough competitive market, establishing a rapport with prospective clients is critical for successful lead generation and conversion. Sharing insights and knowledge that is helpful for the prospect is a significant activity or strategy for B2b marketers. Share the best knowledge assets, content assets and insights with the clients to attract them into the funnel.

Be solution-oriented and not sale oriented

Understanding your customer’s needs is an important step in demand generation and lead generation. Once you understand the needs and challenges of the client, it is easy to know what solutions to offer him and when. Be more solution-oriented than sale-oriented. Offer customized solutions to clients that can enhance his business in more ways than one.

Combine offline and online outreach

Just like marketing mix, combining the type of outreach is a good way to attract bigger and a wider audience to increase the probability of sales. Combine offline and online sales outreach or lead generation outreach campaigns. For instance you can combine email marketing, webinars and trade conferences. You can either run such campaigns back to back or in parallel, depending upon the audience.  Also don’t forget to tap into the potential of content syndication. It is one of the best ways to introduce your brand, create brand awareness and increase your reach and engagement.


Identify the exact lead problems and what kind of lead magnets you need to create in order to attract all the good leads into the funnel. You need to prove your worth as a solution-provider and a problem-solver more than making sales your ultimate goal! People are looking for new and innovative solutions in this landscape of digital marketing and showing empathy thorough personalized communication is the key to success.  

3 Critical Mistakes That Can Stop You From Achieving B2B Lead Conversion

3 Critical Mistakes That Can Stop You From Achieving B2B Lead Conversion

For B2B lead generation to work smoothly, one needs to have a solid strategy in place. However, a solid strategy or plan is not always about things to be included in the plan, it is also about things that need to be avoided for better results. B2B lead conversion can become successful if marketers are vigilant and can avoid certain mistakes in the sales cycle.

Let us see some mistakes that every marketer must avoid if he wants to achieve the desired sales results.

Holding on to wrong leads-

Retargeting leads is a good practice but marketers can’t possibly revive every dead lead. There are some leads that you have to let go of. Holding on to impossible leads is a waste of time because it will not give you any returns. Knowing which leads to retarget or hold on to and which leads to let go of is important for increasing ROI. So holding on to any lead that has lost its value in time and is now no longer aligned with your new business goals is a mistake many marketers make which eventually delays the sales cycle.

Lack of action-

One of the biggest mistakes marketers could possibly make is lack of action when they actually have a good lead in front of them. One must not fail to recognize a good lead. Creating demand is an important action and one should be equipped with action-oriented strategies to convert good leads. Once you recognize good leads you must have a plan ready to delight and engage the lead. This will lead to faster conversions. But if you have no action-oriented plan then the possibility of losing the lead can be high.

Missing out on personalization-

Lack of personalization can be a blunder in today’s time. The first priority in messaging and content should be to personalize it in every possible way. If you want to build strong relationships and win loyal customers, there is no substitute to personalization.


Lack of action and holding on to leads that no longer carry the same value could be big mistakes that can cost a lot to a company. In addition, make sure you understand the customer and his needs very well before planning a strategy. Lack of personalization could also cost a lot to the company.  

Top B2B Lead Generation Strategies Every Marketer Must Try in 2023

Top B2B Lead Generation Strategies Every Marketer Must Try in 2023

It always helps to plan ahead when it comes to creating new business goals and objectives for the coming year. Probably this is the time to start preparing for 2023 as it can help B2B marketers to stay ahead of the game in this dynamic market.

Finding good leads has always been the ultimate objective of every B2B marketer. However, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to the complexities of lead generation and demand generation. So what can marketers focus on in the coming year? Let us look at some of the B2B techniques that B2B companies must try in 2023.

Trade shows-

It is time to return to in-person events. It’s a come-back of sorts for trade-shows, events and conferences and marketers should take full advantage of this face-of-face, in-person meet-ups. Though we all had gotten used to the absence of conferences in the past, with the return of trade-shows, it is indeed a good thing for attracting leads and converting them into business.

Trade shows can be expensive and the ROI may not be as expected each time. However, it is still worth the investment. It allows marketers to network in-person and build strong relationships with customers and potential prospects.

Social media marketing-

Social media is one of the many powerful tools that marketers must use to increase their chances at lead generation, conversion and demand generation. LinkedIn is undoubtedly one of the best platforms but one must try other platforms as well. The increasing use of social media is a sign that companies must continue using social media platforms in 2023.

You can create brand credibility through social as follows-

  • Create outstanding content
  • Publish content at the right time
  • Choose the right social media platforms
  • Observe what competitors are doing
  • Stay aware of the latest trends
  • Make sure to update the audience about new content assets
  • Share insights from time to time

Content marketing-

Content continues to be one of the best ways to attract, delight and convert leads into business. However it all depends on what type of content is being generated and what is the purpose. Each business is unique and hence the purpose of content may vary from business to business. It is therefore necessary to understand the real purpose of content for your business.

Once you identify the purpose you must rope in the right resources to create great content. Publishing and marketing content on the right social media channels is also one of the important things to do for lead conversions.


Some trends tend to change while others continue to reign year after year. In a dynamic market like B2B, marketers are enthusiastic about adopting new techniques. However, the best strategy and trend is always the one that suits your business the most.




3 Demand Generation Truths Every Marketer Should Know

3 Demand Generation Truths Every Marketer Should Know

The truth about demand generation is that you need to build solid relationships and strong connections for it to work. The question B2B marketers need to ask themselves is how equipped or ready are they to build powerful relationships in order to make demand generation work for their business?

As businesses are becoming more and more personal, the need to establish a personal connection and personalized communication is increasing by the day. Many prospects expect personalized attention and messaging from vendors that are based on very specific needs. This is exactly what marketers need to focus on if they want demand generation to be successful.

Here are a few things that you can do to be a good demand generation markter-

Don’t rush into it-

Increasing demand through personalization and facilitating relationships should be at the core of your sales and marketing strategies. In order to achieve conversion results, marketers must take a step-by-step approach to demand generation. When it comes to relationship building, it’s indeed a work of patience. Do not rush into it to make it work because it needs to be handled carefully and needs to be built slowly. Prospects can sense if you rush in and that can impact your credibility and trust. 

Nurturing after conversions-

Organizations should always be a step ahead when it comes to building and maintaining relationships. Conversion is the first and not the last step in lead generation or demand generation. There’s more work to be done after a lead gets converted. It is this juncture that you need to invest more time and energy in fulfilling the promises you made at the time of contacting and converting leads. Hence there comes nurturing even after the leads get converted and this goes a long way in sustaining relationships in Sales.

Focus on leads that didn’t convert-

Don’t forget retargeting or trying again with leads that did not convert in the first go. It may take a little more work for some leads as all leads aren’t the same. As each business is unique so are some of the leads that may not get converted in the first step or stage. Don’t lose the leads forever but try reaching out with a different strategy the next time you contact the lead. It may surprisingly work the second time.


Demand generation is a complex and time-consuming process. It can take a lot of efforts and different techniques to attract leads and get them converted into business. Marketers need to be in touch with the latest trends and be aware of what works for their business the best.