3 Key Email Marketing Techniques to Boost B2B Sales in 2021

3 Key Email Marketing Techniques to Boost B2B Sales in 2021

2021 can certainly be a promising year in terms of b2b sales and marketing if certain strategies and techniques are deployed for better customer engagement. Email marketing is one such technique that can be quite effective in 2021. It is all about being innovative and creative when it comes to strategizing plans and adopting equally innovative methods to implement them for best results.

Here are 3 key email marketing techniques that can bring great results in the coming year.

Spend more on email marketing:

If a company wants to increase revenue or wants to add new leads that have huge potential to get converted, then investing in email marketing will make perfect sense.  In fact, email marketing has gained great importance today and research says that email is 40% more effective than Facebook and Twitter combined and that is a startling percentage.

  • 86% of professionals prefer email marketing as one of the most effective communication channels
  • 60% marketers believe that email marketing produces higher ROI
  • Almost 90% consumers check their emails daily
  • Segmented emails are known to generate 58% of company revenue

Email marketing works best with segmentation. It narrows down the focus and gives the right thing to the right person in the email list. Gone are the days when people sent bulk emails that didn’t get any returns because today is the time and age of personalization.

Each customer wants to feel special and cared for and what better way than understanding their needs and reaching out to them. 2021 will not only be a fresh start for marketers but much of the time of 2021 will be in invested in making up for the loss of revenue in 2020. Hence email marketing techniques can come to the rescue and with segmentation tactics this investment in email marketing will be the most lucrative investment with best ROI.

Other than segmentation, email marketing can also be used for retargeting the customers and potential prospects that had shown interest earlier but did not engage in the year 2020. In fact re-engagement can be one of the most powerful sales and marketing techniques of 2021. Sending personalized emails with customized messaging to re-engage these prospects could prove to be one of the most successful techniques in the coming year.

Personalize campaigns:

We have already discussed investing in email marketing and how personalization can be done better with segmentation to get good results. Now, if the campaigns are curated in a way that they are customized as per the needs with personalized offers it can be really effective. Conversational marketing and personalization can be one of the most effective trends in 2021 b2b sales and marketing as it can give marketers the opportunity to reconnect with their customers in a more effective manner.

Almost 20% leads are already qualified; the ones that are sent directly to sales! This means the need of nurturing these leads with great content to get them converted is high.

By means of great content and segmentation you can create hyper-personalized emails targeting specific audience depending upon the segmented email lists. This combination of various strategies to optimize email marketing can give good returns and it will become easier to delight and engage prospects.

Use Omni channel marketing:

Lead generation by itself cannot function well based on a single strategy. It does not work on one-size-fits-all kind of thing and hence email marketing done through just one channel may not work in favor of lead gen.

Customers are all over the place, all over the internet; hence capturing their interests takes a lot more than just sending those emails. One needs to follow their social media activity to know their likes and dislikes and their changing preferences with time.

This isn’t a one-time activity; in fact, Omni channel targeting is an ongoing process and can get some interesting leads that can convert. Needs of the customers can be better met through cross channel activity and engagement can rise to a much promising number.


As we gear up to start 2021, fresh, innovative and workable strategies can come to every marketer’s rescue as it is the need of the time. Instead of repeating methodologies that are already deployed; it’s best to seek out new approaches and new techniques in 2021 to make it a more fruitful and successful year for b2b sales and marketing.

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