3 Reformed Sales and Marketing Techniques that Will Work in 2021

3 Reformed Sales and Marketing Techniques that Will Work in 2021

Trends that emerged out of the disruptive year 2020 have also left a lot of bright spots for marketers in 2021. There are a lot of b2b sales and marketing techniques that have been reformed in this process and can actually prove to be beneficial in the present year and in the future too. Let us see three such reformed sales and marketing techniques that can work in our favour this year.

Buying Signals:

B2B sales and marketing can work more effectively if one pays close attention to buying signals, which means that buying signals or responses given by a prospect are very important for lead conversion. Not just signals that are caught through website visits or forms filled, marketers should look further and be vigilant of other responses too through various different channels and take action on it. Any call to action will only prove to be valuable if you act on it at the right time.

One also needs to assess present plans and strategies and ask certain questions. How well are you equipped to tap these signals that go beyond the obvious, what plan of action you are armed with if you have to immediately respond or act etc. The answers to these questions will help you analyze a lot of things, for example, the content assets that you are ready to respond with, are they really relevant etc.

Enabling Buyers:

Marketing and sales is now clearly about going beyond just capturing and converting a lead. It is also about enabling a buyer into actual buying. Buyers have now become more conscious of their needs and requirements and they also know where to get it from. Today the customers are looking for responses that are quick, intuitive, proactive and empathetic that show that the marketers care to serve.

They are looking to engage with businesses that care for buyers. They want their marketer to be their navigator in the buying process and journey helping them to make that buying decision; something that goes beyond a simple form fill or a one-time conversation. Follow-up conversations or exchange of content assets and exchange of communication through series of e-mailers that are relevant are some of the driving forces when it comes to b2b buyer enablement.

The future of sales and marketing is going to be dependent on a two way solid response process and buyer enablement.

Adopting change:

2021 is going to continue being the year of change as there was a lot to learn from the previous year. The best strategy this year would be to spend time understanding what changes were adapted and how. This will make two things clear for marketers. One, how change was quickly adopted and what form of change will continue to dominate the market. Though transformation may be the theme of 2020, it has immensely helped organizations on various different levels. Some changes such as going digital, shifting sales to online activities majorly and similar trends have managed to instil confidence in the sales and marketing professionals. Now they can be confident about any change and that any adverse situation can prove to be an opportunity. The market is now ready for new methods to replace old processes and plans.


Change can be good if reformed sales and marketing actually works in favour of organizations. Many factors contribute to the success of sales and marketing in the b2b domain. But few factors and aspects can be more influential and if organizations pay attention to these, any adverse situation even in the future can be turned into an opportunity.

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