3 Sales Tweaks that Will Get You More Business in 2021

3 Sales Tweaks that Will Get You More Business in 2021

Selling is critical to the growth of any business! It is the sale that determines ROI, growth and success. 2021 is even more challenging and hence it’s important to tweak and change certain things in your sales strategy.

Today’s customers are smart and are very well aware of the market. They make their decisions early on and with some of their chosen service providers even before you get to talk to them. Hence, they need to be delighted with solution-based selling.

This blog talks about 3 sales tweaks that can change the way you sell and still come out successful.


Sell without making it look like you are selling

Selling that sounds less like selling and more like helping, will win the customers’ hearts this year.

Marketers have weathered some rough storms in 2020.

So instead of selling aggressively, what really needs to be done now is to bridge the gaps in the business through relationship building.

The last thing customers want from the vendors is a desperate attempt to sell. Hence sellers need to take it easy and conversations need to become priority this year.

Patience is the key to getting the right lead or customer. And though it sounds like a good solution, it isn’t a quick-fix thing for b2b sales and marketing professionals.

Selling without actually selling is the biggest challenge of 2021.

But before one tweaks selling methods, one needs to first prep-up before talking to customers.

Here is what you can do to prepare on a more grass-root level before you start to sell without selling-

  • Get to know prospects well
  • Monitor the changing preferences of the buyers
  • Observe the buyers’ journey
  • Revisit previous conversations and find the loop-holes and retarget
  • Improvise the immediate email conversations that are due
  • Invest enough in data to make sure you are talking to the right prospects
  • Revamp the website, homepage or landing page if necessary
  • Change some CTAs to align it with the new strategies
  • Create more and relevant content in 2021
  • Be consistent on social media for one-on-one conversations
  • Build trust through thought leadership content


Value based selling

There are two aspects that are involved when we talk about value.

One is the existing brand value that you need to optimise through prominent social media presence and benefits and the other one is the value that is generated through meaningful and relevant communication, messaging and conversations with the target audience.

Value is important in the sense that it should make customers believe that you can solve their business challenges.

Value should be in conveying to them that you care and that you want to know them better in order to solve their queries and problems.

Sales through value generation will convert customers into long term, loyal customers who won’t hesitate to choose you over your competitors again and again.


Take the sales pitch off the grid

Pitching sounds like selling to every customer and since you want to sell without selling the whole sales pitch thing needs to be taken off the grid.

Sales pitch has been in practice for years and more so when sales started to become an aggressive technique to get the customer; by hook or by crook.

The sales pitch, if you have to do it, should be so innovative and intelligent that it shouldn’t come across as a sales pitch.

It should be more of a value proposition; an aid to the customers’ problems and a value added solution.

Think of ways you could navigate to crucial decision makers and address their concerns the most. Because it is these decision makers whose decision is going to impact your sales.



Sales are a great platform to experiment and innovate. It really takes an intelligent strategy to make a sale in a tough market such as the b2b. In fact, the greater the challenge, bigger is the opportunity to improvise and do better each time. And 2021 gives you that opportunity.


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