Why Retargeting Could be the Best B2B Lead Conversion Tool of 2021

Why Retargeting Could be the Best B2B Lead Conversion Tool of 2021

As a B2B marketer has it ever happened to you that you reached out to your prospects for selling your services but couldn’t get them interested in your company further or into initiating a conversation? Or did a prospect visit your website, spend some time on it but strayed away somewhere else when you were hoping for a solid engagement. If this is happening frequently then you can turn around the situation with the help of retargeting!

Several B2B organizations have huge number of followers through their social media pages but the same followers never engage further or simply never click on the CTA or do not download a content asset that was customized for them.

In the B2B landscape, this is not very uncommon. But what marketers often forget is that, the prospect could have become a promising customer at one point of time and could have got converted easily with retargeting. They forget about that prospect who had registered for the webinar or the followers who liked their posts on social media frequently. Maybe all they needed was a little more nudge to start a conversation. This is exactly where the need for retargeting gets amplified in B2B.

Retargeting is often converting these silent followers or curious observers into your loyal customers. One of the biggest advantages of retargeting is that you do not have to start from scratch or you do not have to do the ground work because it’s already done and they have shown some kind of interest in your services already.

Several factors affect these dynamics. B2B is more complex than B2C and most of the times a lot of decision makers at various levels slow down the process of buying decision. There are other factors such as tough competition or relevant nurturing from competitors or even budget considerations that stop things from moving ahead quickly.

In such scenarios there are few aspects that can help retargeting enhance the conversion rates:

Sales funnel:

If the duration of sales cycle is at least of 6 months then then it’s easier for the sales team to take full advantage of it. Most prospects are lost over an extended period of time and as the market trends change quickly, prospects can also quickly loose interest in your offers. Therefore it’s very important to monitor and analyse prospects in each stage of the sales cycle and keep offering them customized solutions through personalized communication and carry out nurturing consistently.

Content Assets:

Creating content assets is one of the effective ways of retargeting. Webinars that give away valuable insights or a free E-book download, whitepapers, e-mailers that communicate on a one on one level with customized offers are some of the examples of how content assets play a pivotal role in retargeting your b2b prospects.

Landing Page:

Landing page is a crucial opportunity for getting in touch or engaging with your most potential customers. A landing page could be your potential gold-mine where your chances of converting the prospect into a customer are very high. Those who have landed on the landing page can be sent emails with lucrative offers or content assets that not just remind them of you but also help them make a quick buying decision.


Relevancy and timing play an important role in retargeting the prospects or even with past customers who would want to reinvest in you. It’s therefore important to be watchful, be aware and take quick action. Proper planning and a smart strategy that is in line with the current market trends and with customer behaviour can help convert prospects into customers.

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