How to Perfect the Art of ABM for Increased B2B Conversions in 2021

How to Perfect the Art of ABM for Increased B2B Conversions in 2021

ABM (Account Based Marketing) has been a boon to the B2B industry and several organizations have optimized this power-house channel to get more leads and to reduce the sales cycle too. 2021 is going to be another year of ABM.  Use of proper techniques and knowledge can make ABM work for any b2b company.

Here is a blog that talks about how to perfect the art of ABM to get more leads this year!

Making lead generation a more focused activity through account based nurturing has helped to simplify b2b sales and marketing. Due to this narrowed down focus toward specific leads with specific needs, ABM is becoming hugely popular in the B2B space.

Almost 91% of companies using ABM were able to increase their average deal size

81% marketers who measure ROI say that ABM outperforms every other marketing activity or investment

Account Based Marketing is certainly the next revolutionary channel that can change the way b2b marketers have been struggling with lead generation.

So how does ABM really work?

  • You identify the key, high value accounts
  • Optimize efforts by dedicating resources to those accounts
  • Create customized content and messaging to delight and engage the decision makers
  • Use Omni channel approach in marketing and reaching out to the target company

The process if well-defined and implemented can get great results. So here are a few parameters that can help you strengthen the ABM process and make ABM one of the strongest pillars of b2b sales and marketing.

Having clear target definitions:

Knowledge of which accounts to target is the first step toward a successful ABM outreach program or campaign. You can start by combing through the existing accounts and filtering the most viable options. Based on the attributes on which you make this particular selection can give you an idea or point you towards many more such accounts that might be a best fit for your ABM efforts. A data driven approach can be the best way to optimize ABM planning. Data- sharing through all the functions in the organizations and not just sales and marketing can give a better view and perspective of which targets can qualify for the ABM campaigns.

Having Sales and Marketing on the same page:

ABM is all about having a cohesive approach towards a common goal for both sales and marketing- lead generation. Therefore having sales and marketing on the same page and having them aligned can work best for better results from ABM.

Capturing the key decision makers:

You can narrow down the focus better if you have more knowledge about the key stake holders or decision makers in the target organization. Knowing what can delight and engage these decision makers can make a great difference in your overall approach in terms of messaging and also in terms of the channels that you choose in reaching out. To achieve this, you need to have a proper plan in place to monitor and observe their social media behavior or to know their digital footprints.

Investing in building relationships:

ABM is all about conversations, talking, delighting and engaging the key decision makers. It’s basically about building relationships with the key persons in the target organization. The success of ABM is heavily dependent on what channels you use and when you reach out to the key persons. Knowledge once again can help you to know what kind of channels the decision makers are using. This will give you a direction and will help you map out an outreach strategy that can help you succeed.


Other than the above, personalized content and messaging is very crucial for the success of ABM. There’s a lot that you can achieve from ABM. All you need to have is right techniques and knowledge to make the best out of ABM.


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