How to Use the Right Data to Your Sales Advantage

How to Use the Right Data to Your Sales Advantage

Understanding buyer intent is crucial for b2b sales. Buyer intent can help you to optimize marketing strategies. It can also help you to identify prospects with high buying intent. Therefore, as a b2b marketer, intent data or your buyer intent data can provide you with insights that can shorten sales cycle, accelerate sales, retain customers and recover business too.

This blog talks about the various aspects of buyer intent data that helps to augment business growth for the b2b industry and explains how you can use intent data to your sales advantage.

Buyer data or intent data can help sales and marketing teams to prioritize the good leads that can be easily converted into business.

Here is how you can leverage intent data:

  • Make sure that you spend time reaching out to prospects who are actively searching for a solution
  • Reach out and identify those prospects who not just show promising buying behavior, but they also exhibit demonstrating behaviors that reflect the probability of completing a form fill or contact you

Here are some more ways to empower your b2b sales plans with the right use of intent data-

  • You can use intent data to identify prospective buyers with high purchase intent in order to generate more business
  • You can leverage buyer data insights to create relevant marketing strategies that accelerate growth
  • Use intent signals to identify the needs of the prospect or specific things they are looking for
  • Use the right data to highlight those specific things in your messaging that your prospect is looking for
  • You can prioritize customer retention with intent data
  • Get a better understanding of buyer preferences and buying habits and patterns
  • Generate demand for what the prospect is looking for

Retaining customers:

Why is it so important to retain customers especially more so in the post-COVID era? Companies are recovering from the traumatic business phase of 2020. Many are still picking up the pieces and business has just started to grow again.

Targeting new customers and creating new strategies or roping in new experts cost a lot to companies. Getting new customers is always less cost-effective as compared to retaining existing customers. Intent data can help save those costs by retaining customers.

Demand Generation:

Generating demand is what marketers are now focusing on. Lead generation and conversion is hugely impacted by the demand you generate. The prospects need to see that you exist and you need to make them realize they need the solutions that you have to offer them.

Intent data plays a critical role in generating demand by helping you to get accustomed with your prospects’ buying patterns. It also helps you to monitor their buyer journey and be there in front of them when they begin their search for services/ products pr service providers.


Today, the best possible way to steer clear of the crowd and reach the right prospect at the right time is to know the prospect well and let them know you can help them with relevant solutions!

Intent signals can help you pave way to discovering more leads, reach out to good leads that are ready to buy and generate demand that can persuade the prospects to make a quick buying decision. Thus, intent data can shorten your sales cycle and accelerate business growth.



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