Build strong ABM campaigns with these simple techniques and get high ROI

Build strong ABM campaigns with these simple techniques and get high ROI

Account based marketing can be a game-changer when it comes to b2b sales and ROI. It can help marketers to focus on exclusive, high potential accounts and leads that can convert into business. Marketers must use different techniques of ABM to optimize it and make the best use of this innovating marketing practice.

This blog throws light on some simple yet effective techniques that can help reduce your time to close deals and strengthen customer relationships while optimizing ABM.

Tiered Target list-

Having a target list is important for successful ABM! Begin with specific and clear ideal customer profiles and buyer personas to be able to identify the high potential prospects. This will help you to build a strong TAL and thus you can simplify ABM. After you have worked out the ideal candidates or leads you can then create a tiered target list to know who it is that you need to prioritize. This tiered target list and ideal customer profiles can help you with many things such as creating personalized messaging, building unique sales strategies and nurturing techniques around specific tiered lists and the prospects within that list.

Sales and Marketing alignment-

Today, the sales and marketing teams need to be aligned for almost all b2b activities to function properly. Since ABM involves high potential accounts it is even more important that the sales and marketing teams are on the same page when it comes to choosing the right leads that will convert. It is also important that they agree upon the type of messaging that will go out to persuade those leads to convert and also agree upon processes and other factors that can impact ABM results.

Streamlined communication between sales and marketing teams is the need of the time so that marketers can leverage the potential in exclusive marketing activities such as ABM and thus convert leads into sales for better ROI.

Aligned content assets –

Today messaging and communication is crucial for creating a positive impact on leads. When customers are well aware of what they want and where to get the services they need, the responsibility on marketers increases manifold in order to reach out to the prospects with relevant and insightful content for generating demand and to attract and delight leads so that they engage further.

This is where content assets come into play as they have a very important role in b2b sales and marketing. High potential accounts in ABM need to receive outstanding content assets at different stages of the sales funnel. It is important that you provide the right insights, valuable statistics and relevant information to prospects at each stage. White-papers, e-books, blogs or infographics that can create an impact on prospects can be huge sales influencers in ABM.


ABM has a huge potential in terms of sales conversions and in increasing company ROI. A mainstream b2b marketing activity; ABM can be a game-changer for b2b companies. If you plan to invest in ABM follow the above techniques to make sure you get the ROI.





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