The current state of intent data in b2b and what can marketers learn from it

The current state of intent data in b2b and what can marketers learn from it

It’s common knowledge today in the b2b domain that intent data is a potential tool for b2b marketers and it is helping companies to enhance lead generation and conversions. However, a lot still needs to be explored in terms of using intent data and actually implementing it for real-time results.   

This blog will take you through the current state of intent data in the market and what marketers can learn from it to accelerate business growth.

B2B marketers today, need data that can bring tangible results in terms of sales and ROI! Lack of data isn’t really the problem today. However it’s important to know which data is really useful for your business. Maybe the data that you already have has a missing piece! And maybe that missing piece is the relevance factor or its actual usefulness in enhancing sales.

Intent data can solve your data challenges making it more actionable to help you get real-time results.

Intent data works on the principles of predictive intelligence providing marketers with invaluable insights that can help them to decide their next strategy or move. It can help them to stay prepared, know which prospect to talk to and when.

Sales is all about timing and in this tough competitive world, if you aren’t in front of your target prospect at the right time, they will simply move on to someone else.

This is exactly where intent data can empower your business strategies and provide the necessary fuel to capture and convert leads into sales.

As per research conducted by Ascend2, here is how marketers perceive the success of intent data in achieving their marketing objectives-

  • 69% marketers found intent data somewhat successful
  • 20% found it very successful
  • 11% found it unsuccessful

All in all, a vast majority of marketers actually found intent data successful!

Here are some more research based statistics that reflect the change in the effectiveness of intent data observed by marketers over the past 12 months

So what is the present situation of intent data in the market? Before you decide to implement it in your strategy, know how marketers are already feeling about intent data-those marketers who have implemented intent data in their strategy already or are currently utilizing it in the process—

Here are some results from the research conducted by Ascend2 about what marketers feel about intent data-

  • Nearly 78?el positively about intent helping them to achieve their marketing goals
  • Nearly 38?scribe their feeling as confident
  • While 40?el hopeful about intent data
  • Against these, interestingly there’s only 1% of marketers who feel doubtful about intent data being useful to them

The overall results from these surveys and research findings look positive and point in only one direction— more and more marketers are feeling confident about intent data and many are finding it useful.

Here are some actionable uses of intent data –


The knowledge around intent data is certainly increasing, however, marketers need to first assess their real need of intent data and then align their business objectives around intent data. For those of you who are serious about intent data, its best that you partner or work with a vendor for outstanding business outcomes. Since many companies are still warming up to the idea of intent data and are trying to find best ways to implement it; outsourcing it to an expert would be a wise business decision to make.

Intellitech Solutions partners with Bombora, the leader in intent data that collects B2B intent, demographic and firmographic data at scale! To know more, please call us at +1 617-669-4209



The secret of successful lead conversion is hidden in your MQL find out how

The secret of successful lead conversion is hidden in your MQL find out how

If you are experiencing low lead conversion rates than expected, it may not be always about the strategy. It most probably has to do with the quality of the MQLs (Marketing Qualified Leads) in your funnel. Lead conversion is a technique and without the good leads or MQLs in your funnel, none of the other elements in your strategy can work in your favor. So how does one overcome the challenges of lead conversion?

This blog analyzes what a lead is, what are MQLs and their importance in lead generation and conversion.

What is a lead?

Before we dive into understanding how MQLs can impact lead conversion, we need to first truly understand what a lead is all about! So who is a lead? A lead is of course a prospect and certain attributes and features of every lead can help marketers identify these leads as good or bad leads!

A lead is someone who is typically facing some business challenges such as low sales, low revenue, poor strategy, incompetent resources etc. These leads are usually looking for insights or knowledge about a subject so that they can find solutions to their challenges. They also look for content assets that have a take-away and insights for them. All they need is a good b2b vendor who can guide them, truly understand their pain-points and provide the right strategic solutions to help grow their business.

Lead generation is nothing but identifying these leads with specific traits and attributes and analyzing their need for a solution. This is also where BANT (Budget, Authority, Need and Time) comes into picture. Determining the needs of a lead depending upon factors such as Budget, Authority, Need and Time is a skill-set in itself, as it can help decide the success of lead conversion for b2b companies.

So once you recognize these aspects, it becomes easier for you to define the lead and its quality. This will help you select the high potential leads and thus create better MQLs and pass it on to the next stage of the funnel. Once you attract and capture the best MQLs, half of your job as a lead generation expert is done. You have made lead conversion easy by passing on only the best leads to the sales team. By doing so, you are also shortening the sales cycle and increasing the chances of lead conversion and ROI.

Check your MQLs

If you aren’t able to convert leads into business, the first thing you must check is the quality of MQLs you have. You must analyze whether your MQLs are low quality or if they are inactive. If yes, then that is the root cause of delayed or unsuccessful lead conversion. How can leads that have less value or potential convert into business? They simply cannot!

So let us understand the MQL behavior- Yes, they have traits that make them an MQL and marketers need to focus on the behavior and thereby focus on how to convert these MQLs into sales. A typical behavior of MQL could be that it may not be yet ready to engage with a vendor but has shown an inclination towards their services. This process of identifying a high potential MQL and taking further action on it is the exact turning point where most marketers fail and thus it impacts the lead conversion results negatively.

The top-of the funnel leads are the marketing qualified leads and these need to be nurtured with relevant and insightful content assets even before they are passed on to sales, why? Because this is where their decision making is most likely to happen! This is the golden opportunity of every b2b marketer to change the mind of the lead or warm up to them and encourage the leads into make the buying decision. And then, the rest is sales!


While marketers can get busy with big campaigns and other activities that can bring more sales and revenue, they must not forget the importance of MQLs in lead conversion. In fact, this is where they can fine-tune their lead generation and conversion skills by identifying the MQLs and nurturing them well.


Top Lead Generation Challenges B2B Marketers Face And Solutions to Tackle Them

Top Lead Generation Challenges B2B Marketers Face And Solutions to Tackle Them

The topmost challenge faced by the b2b lead generation industry today is identifying and targeting prospects; the other challenges being lead volumes, lead quality and specifically having to identify and target high potential prospects that have maximum chances of converting into business! As a marketer or a business owner facing and tackling these challenges means having to pay a price in terms of time, efforts and even missed opportunities eventually leading to a decline in sales and revenue generation.

To reduce these challenges, marketers need to focus on intent data, predictive intelligence through data, demand generation and shifting their focus from top of the funnel to all stages of the sales funnel. In this blog we discuss some challenges and its solutions to make b2b lead generation easy for you.

The Challenge- Data

A lot is already being said about data and its importance. Capturing data of potential prospects is a big challenge today. But having just about any data is not enough to scale lead generation. Data obtained through traditional means like a forms or downloads may not be enough to directly impact lead conversion. Having the right, relevant and verified data that has value in it is important for ROI. Again, even if you have valuable data with you, optimizing data is another challenge faced by companies seeking quick conversions and higher sales.

The solution-

Intent data might be the right solution for this major challenge faced by marketers! It provides marketers with verified and useful data that can guarantee success! It also provides predictive intelligence which no ordinary data can provide.

This is the power that marketers need to tap into when adopting data solutions. Data is no longer only about basic contact details, firmographics, demographics etc. It is intelligent data that can provide deep insights into the prospect and his buying preferences or simply knowing his digital footprints and predicting his next buying inclination. Intent data enables you to understand your prospect way beyond the basic insights that you get from ordinary data.

The Challenge- MQLs

Generating or capturing good and high potential MQLs is often a big challenge for b2b marketers. Quality leads are equally important to any b2b marketer as much as quality leads are. Handing over the best MQLs to the sales team often becomes an uphill struggle for the marketing team in any lead generation company. There is an urgent need to find the right balance between quality leads and quantity leads, because it is the quality leads that can create the best MQLs.

The solution-

High potential MQLs are vital for revenue generation and sales. Again, data determines the quality of MQLs that marketers need to bring into their funnel. Intent data can bridge the gap between sales objectives and actually getting high potential leads that can fulfill those objectives. High quality intent data provided by a b2b vendor can always help you to find the right MQLs and thus get faster conversions. Partnering with the right vendor probably is the best solution if you want to find the right MQLs.

Working or partnering with a credible intent data partner or a lead generation partner who can facilitate the best intent data solutions is essential to create those desired MQLs. Generating MQLs becomes easier with the predictive intelligence that intent data provides and marketers can benefit from vendors who have solid experience and expertise to create the right strategy.

Intellitech Solutions partners with Bombora, the leader in intent data that collects B2B intent, demographic and firmographic data at scale! 


Other than the above two major challenges faced by marketers and the solution being found in intent data, there’s the ultimate challenge of revenue generation. One can reduce the challenges related to ROI and sales by having the right lead generation strategy that is built on the firm foundation of incredible data insights. Partner with the right b2b vendor and then easily scale your lead generation and demand generation.


5 Email Marketing Techniques to Increase Your B2B Revenue

5 Email Marketing Techniques to Increase Your B2B Revenue

Buyers no longer want to experience traditional forms of sales and marketing. Personalized email marketing is now popular amid customers. Today, customers prefer personalized communication and one that is data-infused. Naturally, the popularity of the email marketing has increased tremendously as b2b marketers want to focus on unique email marketing techniques that can help them reach a wider audience and with more promising results.

If you are struggling to create effective email marketing strategies, you should consider talking to an expert who can not only guide you, but also bring more good leads and convert them easily into business.

Check out our email marketing services to get a better response from your customers and increase your sales 

Why is email marketing mainstream b2b sales and marketing activity?

Emails are the most professional digital communication channels for businesses of all types. Naturally, B2B sales and marketing activities greatly rely on email marketing.

Here are some advantages of email marketing in B2B-

  • A cost-effective way to reach and communicate with potential B2B leads
  • You can build trust and create more brand awareness
  • Enhance content development for personalized messaging
  • Work on customer retention to develop strong customer relationships

Email marketing is indeed an effective way to reach out to a wider audience and connect better for more conversations and conversions. Email marketing is cost-effective; its results are measurable and can help build long term business relationships with clients.  With so many benefits, one must optimize or make the right use of email marketing to actually increase their business ROI!

This blog discusses 5 email marketing techniques that can help you reach more customers for better business growth!

Focusing on relevance:

Relevance plays a vital role in the overall results of your campaign. As an email marketer, you must focus on relevance, the target audience and get to know the buyer personas well! Here are some hacks you can implement for better response-

  • Create engaging email subject lines
  • Segment the email lists for different recipients
  • Include intelligent call-to-action links
  • Decide the right date & time to send emails

If you fail to maintain relevance, you might lose out on possible conversions.

Studying your target audience:

Studying your target audience can help you to create relevant content for your e-mailers. Target audience is the only way to create meaningful customer conversions with email marketing.

Here are a few tips on how to study your target audience profiles-

  • Define the ideal customer profiles  
  • Track previous email engagements such as open rates, click rates, bounce rates, etc.
  • Send out feedback links and take surveys
  • Look at the geographic locations with higher engagement rates
  • Identify the average customer's open rate and click rates

Creating buyer personas:

A buyer persona is based on the basic characteristics of a buyer, his buying inclinations, intentions, preferences and many other similar parameters. This helps B2B marketers create custom email marketing campaigns.

Here are a few tips for creating effective buyer personas–

  • Understand the B2B business's current demographics to target the right audience
  • Build the profile depending upon the customer's age, gender, family details, geographic location and other similar parameters
  • Understand the past purchase history of the customer and find out which competitors have they made their purchases from and why

Make a list of common customer concerns to develop appropriate buyer personas.

Personalization of messaging:

Email personalization is a process of creating custom content and messaging to build stronger relationships with the customer.

Here are a few tips for effective personalization-

  • Create eye-catchy subject lines to draw the reader's immediate attention
  • Make the content body visually appealing with images as required
  • Avoid jargon to increase the text readability and simplicity of the message
  • Use short paragraphs and the right keywords
  • Create relevant CTAs

The objective is to make your subscribers feel valued with personalized email content. 

Measuring results of campaigns:

Make your email marketing campaigns successful by measuring the following attributes:

  • Open rate
  • Click-through rate
  • Bounce rate
  • Unsubscribe rate
  • Conversion rate
  • Forward or share rate

Measuring all the above attributes helps B2B businesses predict email campaign ROI results.


Before you craft those killer email marketing campaigns, do thorough research to understand customer behavior. Make use of the above email marketing hacks to improve B2B sales. With minimal spend, create custom email marketing campaigns and increase your brand’s ROI.


Top 3 Factors to Consider Before B2B Marketers Decide to Scale their ABM Activities

Top 3 Factors to Consider Before B2B Marketers Decide to Scale their ABM Activities

If you want to scale your ABM initiatives, you must first analyze how your ABM strategies have evolved so far and how it has impacted your results. You must consider some core factors such as unique insights about your target accounts, sales and marketing alignment, measuring results etc. to help scale your ABM activities.

Let us see some of these factors in detail and how they can impact your ABM initiatives!

Measuring ABM outcomes-

If you aren’t running ABM for the first time, then any new strategy should be crafted only after considering the results and the outcomes of the previous campaigns. One of the trickiest parts of ABM is probably measuring campaign results and analyzing them. Many marketers might be enthusiastic about measuring results but may not know how to go about it.

Here are some quick steps to follow-

  • Gather insights from every stage of the funnel
  • Consider factors such as engagement rates, click-through rates, actual account conversion rates, etc.
  • Measure individual results from both sales and marketing activities before you arrive at a conclusion
  • Consider all the MQLs and SQLs generated from the campaign and analyze them

Measuring ABM results is one of the most challenging aspects in b2b marketing, but it’s not impossible to do if you have the right know-how.

Alignment between sales and marketing-

Without a proper alignment between sales and marketing functions, ABM can never yield you the results you desire. It’s very important that both the teams are on the same page, and that they must work together to identify leads, create a comprehensive messaging strategy at various different stages of the buyer’s journey. A proper hand-holding between these two functions can lead to better understanding, transparency and thus great results when it comes to streamlining ABM initiatives.

Omni-channel approach-

Today’s customer is well aware of what he wants and may have almost arrived at a buying decision even before you get to talk to them. An omnichannel approach offers a chance for you to widen your reach and create plenty of opportunities to communicate with new buyers each time. This not only enhances brand awareness, but it also creates visibility and scope to interact with thought leaders and gain valuable insights. You can create a better reach through more channels and thus increase your chances at higher ABM conversions.

Hence marketers must focus on using omnichannel marketing for better results from ABM.


ABM is a powerful b2b sales and marketing technique and if you understand that it’s more of a dynamic activity that involves so many factors as mentioned above, you can get the results you desire. Ask an ABM expert or partner to map your ABM journey and they would probably want to analyze your ABM growth and evolution till now before chalking out the next strategy. Get in touch with our experts here at Intellitech, to get to know how we help companies scale their ABM activities. Clickhere


Which B2B Marketing Techniques Can Benefit From Intent Data and How

Which B2B Marketing Techniques Can Benefit From Intent Data and How

Data and invaluable insights are important elements of b2b sales and marketing in today’s digital marketing world. Intent data is already making waves in the b2b market and is proving to be a powerful tool for lead generation and demand generation. There are several other b2b marketing techniques too that can benefit from intent data and its insights.

Let us find out how certain b2b techniques such as ABM and email marketing can benefit from intent data.

Today, the decision-making process of the customer starts long before the customer lands on your website. In such a scenario, intent data can help marketers to stay prepared with customized solutions for prospects even before they approach the marketer.

So how can marketers use intent data for revenue growth?

  • Helps reach only those accounts that are most likely to convert
  • Helps to narrow down high-value accounts based on their precise needs
  • Increases conversion rates and gives marketers an edge over their competitors

ABM (Account-Based Marketing):

Account-based marketing is a focused activity dedicated to high-value accounts for faster conversions and long-term sustainable business outcomes. Intent data insights can give you a bird’s eye view of the accounts you wish to target. The insights from intent data can help you to narrow down on the high-value accounts, give your marketing teams the precise information they need to capture the right leads at the right time.

Intent data helps marketers to build more effective ABM campaigns with better results.

  • Intent data can help identify accounts in active buying stages and contact them even before they approach the marketer
  • Identify what solution the marketer can offer in order to convert the leads
  • Communicate with personalized messaging for better nurturing

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a powerful tool when it comes to reaching out to a wider audience and nurturing leads so that they convert easily. It is also about the timing! In fact, today, b2b marketing is all about the right timing. The perfect time to send out emails and to the right leads can have a huge impact on conversions and ROI. So imagine how intent data can help with the signals and mapping the buyer’s journey and its insights to leverage email marketing.

Here is how intent data can help you with b2b marketing-

  • Intent data insights can help you to create content assets that are relevant and choose topics of interest to the customer
  • You can create segmented lists more effectively
  • You can email only those leads that have shown the inclination to buy
  • Create highly personalized messaging and email marketing campaigns that give high returns
  • Create better impact on the open rates and click rates by sending out the right message to the right leads at the right time
  • Retarget leads that could not be converted earlier but can now be remarketed to by gauging their buying journey and inclination


One can combine different types of intent data to create an impact such as first-party intent data or third-party data etc. and also leverage content syndication to optimize valuable data insights for more sales. Intent data has changed the dynamics of b2b sales and marketing and is here to stay. B2B marketers should give it a try and make their lead generation less challenging with a data-backed approach.

3 Demand Generation Mistakes You Must Avoid To Accelerate Lead Conversion

3 Demand Generation Mistakes You Must Avoid To Accelerate Lead Conversion

Demand generation is a complex process; however, if you create a solid strategy with the help of incredible data insights, it can bring spectacular results in terms of leads and sales. While marketers focus on how to scale their demand generation, they should avoid making certain mistakes to make their efforts more effective and result-oriented.  

We share with you 3 such mistakes that you must avoid if you want to create robust demand gen campaigns.

Not optimizing data

Poor quality data can be detrimental to b2b sales and marketing. It can cost you time and money. As a b2b marketer, optimizing data is one of the critical activities that you must focus on. Data is the fuel for your sales and marketing activities. It will make it less challenging and more result-oriented. If b2b marketers do not focus on data, it will invariably affect their results.

Knowledge about the prospect through intent data is one of the keys to accelerating lead generation today. Marketers should therefore focus on getting maximum benefit out of intent data. The focus should be on creating more effective ways in utilizing data by adopting techniques such as data cleansing and data verification.

Not being aware of your prospect’s needs:

If your data is not in place, naturally it will affect your knowledge about the prospect. B2B market is complex and without deep analysis and insights about the prospect’s intent and buying history it can become more and more challenging to engage them.

As a b2b marketer you must know who your prospect is and what his needs are. Knowledge about buyer’s journey, purchase history, likes and dislikes, competitors and much more can help you to devise a more customized strategy to delight and engage customers.

You can track your website visitors and you will be surprised to see many potential leads that may have already shown interest in your brand. This is the magic of demand generation wherein the leads come knocking at your door if you use the right strategy and attract the customers by being aware of their challenges.

Not focusing on content assets and content marketing:

Your marketing communication is crucial at every stage of the funnel. In fact, it’s best to focus on customizing messaging and communication as per the stage of the funnel. Email marketing is one of the most effective tools for reaching out to your target audience. If you do not focus on the messaging, none of your email campaigns will impress your clients and you will not be able to convert your high-value customers.

Today, customers know what they want and more so, they have plenty of options around them who are willing to offer them what they want. If you want to survive in this tough competition and thrive, you need to create great content and offer them content assets that they would be delighted to read and download. These will not only help in creating brand awareness, but can also help marketers to stand out in the crowd as a trustworthy b2b vendor who knows his game well!


It’s possible to miss out on some finer nuances and most importantly some pitfalls when you are focusing on the bigger picture. But small mistakes in demand gen can cost you a lot. Since demand gen can considerably reduce your lead generation challenges, its best to analyze the strategy from time to time to avoid any pitfalls and up your demand generation game for faster conversion and more revenue. It is one of the best ways to convert leads and it can also help build relationships with your customers for creating a more sustainable business model.


Perfect timing and insights---how intent data is helping b2b marketers with lead conversions

Perfect timing and insights—how intent data is helping b2b marketers with lead conversions

Achieving sales and marketing goals in the b2b domain is largely dependent upon data and more importantly on ‘quality and relevance of data’. There has been a paradigm shift in recent years in how data is being valued and how b2b marketers are leaving no stone unturned to get the right data. Better understanding of customer can lead to more sales—this is exactly how intent data helps!

Marketers are excited to see how intent data is helping them to increase sales and ROI and enabling them to understand the customer and some important insights about the buying journey. This knowledge has given marketers the confidence to capture the right leads that have high potential to convert into sales.

Let us find out from this blog, how intent data’s insights and the right timing play a valuable role in making lead generation less challenging for b2b marketers.

The power of intent data

Valuable insights:

Knowledge is power and intent data provides relevant knowledge and thus the power to marketers to be able to convert the leads into paying customers.

The main objective behind building a tool like intent data is to give business owners relevant and filtered data that is useful. Data alone may not suffice when it comes to converting leads or capturing leads. Data should be useful and of value to marketers in order for them to optimize it for conversions. Built on this simple logic, intent data helps marketers to filter through the crowded and magnanimous amounts of sources of data available today.

Perfect timing:

Another huge benefit of intent data is the timing! Marketers can leverage this benefit to meet the right prospect when he is most likely to buy from you. Intent data facilitates an opportune time for you to contact the prospect during his active buying stage. It allows business owners to hyper-target the most potential leads because intent data provides the insights and knowledge to marketers about the prospect and his buying journey.

Given the complex nature of b2b businesses and with several decision makers at various stages, it becomes increasingly difficult to filter out the right decision-maker who is most likely to make the final buying decision. In such a scenario, intent data helps you carry out the right marketing activities as per the buyer persona and you can make some quick and effective decisions about contacting the prospect for conversions. You can also be aware and have knowledge about which content asset has been downloaded by your prospects and how frequently they have shown interest in those assets.

Intent data provides marketers with predictive intelligence and also lets them know the technology that is being used by the prospect. It also gives valuable insights to marketers about the purchase history of the prospect.

All these insights offer signals to marketers about the buying intentions and preferences of the prospect so that they can take the right actions at the right time and with successful conversions.


B2B marketers can experience improved lead quality by data-backed insights to drive effective lead generation, conversion and also demand generation. Intent data insights provide predictive intelligence to marketers to be able to act at the right time. It also provides the marketer with relevant knowledge of the prospect, to create a great customer experience. This can help strengthen business relationships and create more customer loyalty and enhance business longevity.  

Intellitech Solutions can provide you with top-of-the funnel leads by using Bombora intent data!


Why Email Marketing Can Help You To Generate The Highest ROI and More

Why Email Marketing Can Help You To Generate The Highest ROI and More

B2B sales and marketing today is about how effectively you communicate the value of your solution to your customers and deliver results on time. It’s all about building relationships through personalized communication that is effective enough to convert the prospect into a paying customer. This is where email marketing comes into the picture. It is one of the most effective channels in b2b marketing communication and it can help you to generate the highest possible ROI.

Find out all about how to achieve the highest ROI and other benefits of email marketing in this blog.

As per research, almost 89% of marketers say that email marketing is their primary channel for lead generation. Email marketing is effective in terms of increasing brand awareness, engagement and enhanced lead conversions for higher ROI.

Higher Return on investment (ROI):

According to McKinsey, email is 40 times more effective than social at acquiring new customers. Research also suggests that email marketing generates the highest ROI amid other channels of marketing. While many marketers might wonder about how to achieve the right marketing mix; there is a high possibility that email marketing will always be an integral part of the core sales and marketing strategies in order to bring more leads and thus more business.

More conversions:

Emails are supposed to be opened and read so that the prospect knows who you are and how you are willing to help them. Did you know that email conversion rates are almost three times higher than social? Marketers have definitely realized the potential of email marketing and they are now focusing on strategizing their email marketing campaigns for higher open and click rates. Email is also a highly measurable tool, so it’s easier for the teams to keep a track of open and click rates, number of content asset downloads, and metrics that suggest conversions.

Long-term business relationships:

Emails today aren’t just about sales and conversions. The good thing about email marketing is that it also makes relationship-building less challenging. Email marketing can help you to reach out to a wider audience and enhance brand awareness. With email marketing, you can make your brand grow on your audience. It is also one of the most effective channels of communication when it comes to relationship building.

With a series of emails, you can attract, delight, and engage the audience until they convert into paying customers. This will happen when the prospects will see the value in your brand. You can build trust amid your target audience which can also help you in retargeting and building sustainable and long-term business relationships.


There are plenty of marketing channels available today and marketers can choose the best channel that suits their business needs and goals. Email marketing is definitely one channel that is effective in terms of lead generation and conversions and is very much result-oriented. All one needs to do is to optimize email marketing that is based on solid strategies and incredible data.

How To Utilize Intent Data To Drive B2B Revenue

How To Utilize Intent Data To Drive B2B Revenue

Intent data can have a huge impact on your business. Before implementing intent data, marketers need to evaluate the need of intent data for their business and the best possible ways to adopt it.  

Instead of rushing things, marketers can choose to go slow and take a step-by-step approach when integrating intent data into their marketing strategy.

Does your business need intent data?

The results most businesses get from intent data are incredible so every marketer today might want to integrate intent data into their marketing strategy. It’s quite easy to jump into it, however, marketers need to consider certain factors and take an informed decision about intent data.

Download our white paper on intent data here

What’s your intent?

First and foremost, before you plunge into intent data initiatives, you need to evaluate all the reasons as to why you would want to integrate intent data into your business.  Without a solid plan, your intent data plans and strategy might most likely backfire, why? Because intent data needs to be a part of your overall marketing strategy! It needs to be an integral part of your sales and marketing initiatives and hence it needs to align with your business goals.

So first thing you need to evaluate is the need for intent data in your sales and marketing processes and whether it fits comfortably into your overall business plan. You also need to evaluate the results that you expect from this initiative and do you have the resources to pull it off. Once you have identified the purpose, the need of intent data and align it with your business goals then you can go ahead and build a smart strategy to implement it.

So how do you build the plan from ground up?

Once you have decided that your business needs intent data, you can start by listing out your sales and marketing processes that need intent data or can benefit from intent data. This will help you to get a clear idea of the need. Then compare the need with the larger business goals and objectives. A smart way of using or integrating intent data into your marketing plan is to start small. Instead of adopting it for the entire funnel, which eventually you will need to do; you can first take small steps while approaching intent data.

Take one step at a time:

Start small with some smaller projects or accounts that have the full support and resources to pull off new intent data initiatives. You will be surprised with how quickly you can get the results. This one-step-at-a-time approach will also give you and your team the confidence to pull off bigger intent stunts.

It will also give you the time to evaluate results and see the real need of intent data. It will also help you to decide which part of the funnel you need to focus on with intent at present. It will eventually help you to strategize intent data with better results each time. 


You may have seen the potential in intent data and after evaluating the above factors you have reached the conclusion of integrating it into your strategy but what about other functions across the organization? Do they have the same knowledge about its benefits and how it’s going to affect the overall business of the organization, most likely not!

So the earlier you educate and let the others know that you plan to bring on intent data into the sales and marketing processes its better. Just like data, the importance of intent data needs to be understood well by all functions in the organizations or at least by the ones that work closely with sales and marketing.

Once all the parameters that might get affected by intent data are taken care of start building the actual strategy. Since intent data can have an impact on various things in your funnel it’s important to recalibrate some of your basic strategies.


Intent data can bring incredible results if you take it one step at a time and then gradually scale it up to align better with other strategies. So, all you need to do is first understand what is intent data, why is it needed and how can it be aligned with your business model. Depending on these factors, you can then start adopting it step by step and implementing it with a solid strategy for best results.