Top 5 Techniques To Accelerate Lead Generation in 2022

Top 5 Techniques To Accelerate Lead Generation in 2022

A fully integrated lead generation strategy can get you good leads. B2B marketers need to have a comprehensive plan for lead generation. They can use and leverage the techniques that worked best for them in 2021 and also focus and invest in new lead gen methods strategically to help convert leads into customers.

A lead doesn’t always equal a sale. A lead may not convert into business even after going through the initial stages of the sales cycle. Therefore it’s important to think of lead generation as a strategic activity! It’s not a one-size-fits-all kind of an activity as every business is unique.

Let us see top 5 techniques to accelerate lead generation in 2022

Prioritize quality over quantity

Lead generation is not about volume alone, as number of leads won’t get you or sales but quality of leads will certainly enhance your sales and ROI. To increase the conversions, analysing leads and categorizing them into good leads and bad leads is important.

You can use BANT (Budget, Authority, Need, Timing) to qualify a lead and convert it into business

Budget: Evaluate if your lead has the budget for your services. This will actually decide whether they would be converted into customers.

Authority: Is the lead you are communicating with the actual decision maker? This is important to know because it will decide the amount of time the conversion might take to happen.

Need: One of the most critical aspects of lead generation is to identify if the service or product is actually going to meet the needs of the lead.

Timing: Timing is everything! When or how soon does the lead need your service or product? Also think of how to capture the timing of their budget availability for faster conversions.

If you want to build a healthy and consistent sales pipeline, you need to focus on qualifying good leads so that they convert quickly into business.

Nurture leads

Lead generation is not a quick-fix solution for by b2b organization. It’s a process that involves various techniques at various different stages. Leads can quickly convert into customers if you nurture them well.

Lead nurturing is a crucial stage in lead generation. Nurturing can be done through email marketing for instance. Create content assets that are aligned with the customers’ needs and create some innovative email campaigns to help build a rapport with the customers, offer customized solutions and to keep nurturing the leads.          

Make social media your lead magnet

Social media platforms such as LinkedIn are great for b2b for many reasons. You will find plenty of b2b customers looking for solutions on LinkedIn. Social media can act as your lead magnet if you use it strategically. Staying in the eye-line of the customers is one of the best ways to capture leads.

Staying active on social media through meaningful content insights can attract leads that already know you or have known your brand on social media. This helps in reducing the sales cycle, as the leads approaching you may have already made up their minds to do business with you or it’s easier to convince them as they are familiar with your brand.

Optimize your website

Website is another lead magnet for b2b organizations to speed up their lead generation process. Focus on call-to-actions, speed and accuracy when it comes to your website. Your website visitors could be your potential customers and hence having a simple and content rich website is a must if you want to attract good leads. Have smart call to action to be able to engage the website visitors further. Hence optimizing your website is a smart technique to attract and convert good leads.

Create relevant content insights

Content is the fuel you need to accelerate lead generation. Content is the brand voice and the best means to reach out to your target audience and nurture leads. Offer great content assets to attract engage and convert leads. Leads that have downloaded your content assets can be good leads who would probably take lesser time to convert.


Establishing human connection with the audience is one of the most critical aspects of successful lead generation. B2B marketers cannot afford to forget that their leads are human beings. Building buyer personas, staying in the eye-line of the customers and building brand familiarity through email marketing are some more techniques to adopt, while you must also focus on creating great content assets for each stage of the sales cycle.


How to Overcome Intent Data Challenges to Optimize it For Higher ROI

How to Overcome Intent Data Challenges to Optimize it For Higher ROI

Everybody’s talking about intent data and how it’s extremely critical in increasing ROI. However, marketers need to focus on strengthening intent data strategy to fully optimize it. In order to achieve the objectives of intent data, it’s important to recognize the top challenges of intent data and devise a plan to overcome those challenges.

Did you know that one of the topmost challenges of intent data faced by marketers is to create a solid strategy in order to fully optimize the power of intent data? Following this top challenge, marketers often face other challenges such as measuring the impact of intent data, converting data into insights efficiently, verifying the validity of intent signals, and acting on those intent insights efficiently to make proper use of intent data.

In order to avoid wasting costs on resources and missed opportunities, marketers must address the above challenges and focus on resolving them at the very beginning of deploying intent data.

Let us discuss some of the best ways to tackle the above challenges in order to optimize intent data for increased ROI.

Focus on strategy-

Strategy can enable any solution or tool to work fully or to be able to achieve the objectives set at the very beginning of deploying that solution or tool. Same goes for intent data!

One of the best ways to begin building a robust strategy for intent data is to focus on prioritizing accounts. One can also focus on other important and supporting channels that allow you the time to focus on specific accounts that are taking interest in your services or products. Such strategic decisions can help convert potential leads into sales easily.

Once you start getting the desired results, don’t forget to analyze and measure them. A part of your strategy should also be to make sure all the teams involved in the use of intent data are on the same page. For example, marketing and sales teams must be on the same page right from the stage of discussions on how to optimize intent data. Any other function in the organization that might be directly or indirectly involved in intent data should ideally be a part of any intent data related decisions in the organization.

Analyzing results-

It’s not only about how to use intent data for getting the desired results, it’s also important to monitor the results and analyze the metrics that can tell a lot about the strategy. To measure the results effectively you need to look at the key performance indicators and analyze the final results in comparison to the set metrics. This analysis can help you build a stronger strategy each time.

Comparison of metrics pre-intent and post intent can show you the progress, performance and can give you a birds-eye view of how to program intent data differently each time. It can reveal some finer nuances of the strategy in the form of results and help you understand what is working and what is not and where it is that you need to strengthen your strategy for all your future intent data-based programs.

Evaluate multiple channels-

For assessing all sources of intent signals, one must consider multiple channels for validating signals and evaluating the value of those signals. Taking a more comprehensive approach while analyzing intent signals can bring more accurate results. While you do this analysis it can also provide information about some weak signals that bring no value to your business and you can further avoid spending time in that direction.

Marketers must also include the following elements when considering intent data for enhancing sales-

  • Investing in understanding buyer’s journey
  • Aligning intent strategy objectives with business goals
  • Establishing base performance metrics and elements that are critical in analysis of results


Intent data is very useful if you want to enhance ROI. However, the intent data science is still evolving. Marketers need to note the challenges of intent data and the possible hurdles that might prevent them from optimizing intent data for best business outcomes.

Why Is Intent Data Effective At Increasing B2B Growth

Why Is Intent Data Effective At Increasing B2B Growth

Integrating intent data in the top of the funnel marketing activities can amplify b2b revenue growth and strengthen ties with potential prospects. This can literally accelerate lead generation and can be very helpful in demand generation. Let’s explore the immense possibilities of intent data for enhancing b2b business growth.

It is all about providing authentic, account level information on various behavioral aspects of potential prospects that can enable marketers to recalibrate their marketing strategies for better success.

The whole objective of intent data is to simplify the complex b2b processes by getting to know the prospect better.

Though intent data seems to be gaining much popularity amid b2b marketers, it still doesn’t seem to have been explored fully.

Benefits of intent data at a glance-

  • Redirects efforts and time of sales and marketing teams to those prospects that are actively showing interest in your products or services
  • Generates demand by helping to create interesting insights or content assets for potential leads and to stay ahead of your competitors
  • Helps to set realistic targets for better results
  • Helps make proactive marketing decisions by creating strong strategies to engage leads

According to a survey carried out by Bombora, almost 73%, nearly three-quarters of respondents of the survey had reported that they plan to roll out strategies and use intent data in 2021. This trend will surely continue in 2022 and in the near future too, as intent data is creating incredible results for b2b marketers.

Intent data is quickly becoming an integral and essential part of data-driven and performance-driven marketing. It can provide incredible insights in the early stages of the buying cycle of the prospects. It can help marketers to prioritize prospects and high-level accounts for ABM and other marketing and sales accounts. It can also help companies to come up with relevant messaging, hyper-personalization, nurturing leads precise targeting through email marketing, and generating demand in today’s competitive market.

Here are some significant uses of intent data as per research by Bombora-

  • To identify new accounts – 56%
  • Align sales and marketing- 51%
  • Customized messaging – 33%
  • Monitor potential customers- 33%
  • Enabling sales – 29%

Brands are using intent data and are now beginning to see the potential power of intent. They have realized that the best way to win leads is to be proactive, generate demand and give them what they need. This is also helping marketers to stay ahead of their competitors.

How marketers can accelerate business growth by using intent data as per research by Bombora-

  • Personalization- 49%
  • Account based initiatives- 37%
  • Crafting relevant messaging- 33%
  • Email marketing- 32%

Intent data can be useful to companies who are looking at ABM as a potential b2b sales and marketing activity. Intent data can help ABM initiatives by identifying target accounts by monitoring prospect activity. It can enhance personalization for engaging further with the prospects.


Before you decide to begin using intent data, you also need to evaluate the short term and long term business goals of your organization. This way you can also know how to optimize intent data and which other marketing activities can be supported by intent data.

How To Optimize Content Syndication To Get More B2B Leads

How To Optimize Content Syndication To Get More B2B Leads

B2B lead nurturing programs are gaining momentum as marketers are getting desired results and faster lead conversions. Content syndication can help you get warm leads that convert easily and help build stronger relationships with prospects. Marketers can use content syndication as a part of their lead nurturing programs to accelerate lead conversion and ROI.

There are many challenges that marketers have to face in lead generation. Low email open rate, lower conversions, long sales cycles and more. Therefore, an outreach program that is designed to increase visibility, enhance brand awareness and collaboration to attract new and potential leads can change the fate of lead generation. Content Syndication can help b2b marketers achieve just that!

Most common challenges faced by b2b marketers-

  • Lack of knowledge of target audience
  • Incomplete information about potential buyers
  • Lack of information of buyers’ journey
  • Email campaigns that do not reach the right audience
  • Not getting in front of the right audience at the right time
  • Lack of personalization in campaigns and messaging
  • Lack of analysis of results of  lead generation campaigns
  • Absence of collaborative efforts to reach out to the right audience
  • Lack of insightful data and content assets
  • Sales and marketing teams not being on the same page

Though there are a lot of challenges, there are also ways to get lead generation processes and results streamlined with a little bit of innovation. Analyze the current content assets that you have and design an effective content syndication program that helps you to target bigger audiences each time, discover more leads, create more influence, enhance brand awareness and even generate demand.

So, how does content syndication help marketers to get more b2b leads and convert them easily into business?

Increase visibility-

Content syndication is a process wherein you collaborate or post content on third-party websites, generally the ones that are high-performing sites. The content must be relevant to the target audience and should be of high quality. It should be able to add value to the knowledge of the target audience. Once you are out there in front of the right audiences through content syndication, it can certainly help you to increase brand visibility and also increase the chances of reaching the right audience.

Reach a wider audience-

Bigger and a varied audience can enhance your chances of reaching potential leads that you are looking out for. Reach more and more people and get more leads! It is the exposure to more people that can help you to even discover a new target audience. Content syndication helps you to widen your reach for increasing the probability of getting more leads that convert quickly.

Get warm leads-

The use of gated content across wider audiences can help you discover warm leads that can convert easily. You can get relevant and useful data of prospects using gated content and thus increase your chances of engaging with them further. Getting warm leads is a big step in successful lead generation. It helps marketers shorten their sales cycles.

Build rapport with prospects-

Content syndication is not only an opportunity to collaborate, but it is also an opportunity to build a stronger rapport with prospects. It’s a great way to build trust and transparency for long-term business relationships.


Content syndication can be a big game-changer for b2b marketers and organizations. Simply know how to optimize it for getting warmer leads and to reduce the common challenges of lead generation. Get to know how we can help you with content syndication for more leads!




Debunking Demand Generation Myths for Better Business Outcomes

Debunking Demand Generation Myths for Better Business Outcomes

There’s a belief in the b2b market that demand generation is a challenging marketing initiative or activity and it involves complex strategies as against lead generation. This is certainly not true. Such myths and more myths are keeping marketers away from utilizing the true potential of demand generation. Many are building strategies believing these myths. Considering the huge potential of demand generation, it’s necessary to debunk these myths in order to optimize the power of demand gen.

This blog talks about some of the myths surrounding demand gen and how this knowledge can help b2b marketers create better business outcomes.

Demand generation involves a single channel approach-

This is a big myth and marketers often think that if they adopt demand gen they will have to stick to only one single channel. However, the actual implementation of demand gen can and should involve a multi-channel approach. You need not adopt only ABM or only email marketing or paid ads alone. You can always use these different channels in combination for optimizing your demand gen efforts.

The very objective of a solid demand gen strategy is to have a very comprehensive approach and implementation of activities surrounding demand gen. If you focus on only one channel it can defeat the whole objective. It can also defeat the purpose of having a dynamic marketing initiative for better results.

Demand gen demands a combination of marketing initiatives for better lead conversion. You simply won’t be able to realize the true potential of demand gen if you decide that all the marketing activities will be conducted in silos. Hence the myth that demand generation involves a single channel approach needs to be debunked for better results.

Demand generation is an extension of lead generation-

This is one of the biggest myths amid marketers. Sure demand generation is all about creating brand awareness in order to create more opportunities, but it functions independently even though its ultimate aim is to help attract more leads that have the potential to convert easily.

Demand generation can be a bit complex but it can develop and help nurture better relationships with the client. On the other hand, lead generation is about identifying the target audience and then contacting the right leads, which is a more simpler and direct approach.

Demand gen takes a more educative or insightful approach towards leads and thus has more depth to it. This is also the reason why demand gen can help in strengthening rapport and relationships with clients and create a more loyal customer base.

There’s another myth that says, demand gen doesn’t need special skills. This myth also needs to be debunked, because it can impact your entire process of hiring resources. Demand gen is an independent marketing activity that impacts the ROI. It is not just about leads it is also about fostering relationships. This proves that b2b organizations need to either hire specialized and skilled resources or they need to partner with demand gen experts.


There will be innumerable myths and misconstrued beliefs about demand gen. But considering its high potential and value in impacting sales and ROI of any business, marketers must learn more, have proper knowledge about demand and adopt the best practices of demand generation while debunking its myths.

Top B2B Lead Generation Techniques You Must Adopt In 2022

Top B2B Lead Generation Techniques You Must Adopt In 2022

As we move closer toward the end of 2021, it is time to analyze and recalibrate b2b lead generation and demand generation strategies for a more profitable 2022. B2B organizations adopted a lot of trends and techniques in 2021 such as intent data, ABM, conversational marketing and more. These will continue to be the most preferred techniques even in the year 2022. Lead quality, lead nurturing and data will also remain in focus in the coming year.

Let us see some of the top trends and techniques that will stay in focus in the year 2022!

Importance of Data-

2021 saw many marketers focus on one of the most crucial elements of successful lead generation – data! Lead generation is mostly about qualified leads; let’s say marketing qualified leads (MQLs) and about sales pipeline and shortening of sales cycle. These are the critical factors when it comes to successful lead generation and demand generation today. Data plays a vital role in getting all those good leads into the loop and converting them into business.

2022 will continue to be about how to leverage the incredible power of data. This will also include the enormous role that intent data has to play in the success of lead gen and demand gen. If you want to succeed in 2022, you must adopt intent data as one of your main stream activities. Adopt it to see its miraculous influence on lead generation and conversion.

Focus on buyer persona and personalization-

2022 will continue to be more about personalization! Personalization can only be achieved if you know the prospect well. Therefore, if you want to invest in personalization make sure you put in efforts to get to know the buyer persona and the person behind the prospect. This will enable you to come up with personalized communication and more customized strategies for better lead conversion.

The focus will continue to shift to communication, personalized communication and customer-centric sales. The change in approach in sales will continue to be more about the customer and having more empathetic communication even after the face to face trade shows and meetings will gear back in action.

Increasing demand of ABM (Account based marketing)-

Account based marketing showed much traction in the year 2021, as marketers realized the power of focus and a narrowed down approach through ABM for better business returns. Exclusive accounts that have high potential will now be targeted more frequently in 2022. Companies can look forward to hiring dedicated resources for account t based marketing to win the long term loyalty of customers.

Power of strategic email marketing-

Strategic email marketing will continue to reign in 2022 and beyond. Email marketing has been one of the most influential tools in reaching out to customers and also building solid relationships. 2021 was testimony to this fact and marketers have been reaping benefits from strategized email marketing as it allowed them to create more personalized communication, helpful in lead nurturing.

Marketers who are expecting good leads and quicker conversions can now look forward to working with b2b lead gen partners and companies. Outsourcing lead gen activities will continue to be more popular in the coming year as it will allow companies to invest their time in other crucial functions and business activities. Content and content marketing will also remain in focus and companies will now need to dedicate more time and money in creating outstanding content assets in 2022.


2022 will carry forward some of the most happening trends of 2021. For smooth sailing in the year 2022, companies need to adopt personalization, ABM, intent data, lead nurturing, and other top trends. A change in approach will also prove to be beneficial along with inculcating a data culture in the company for better lead results. 

How Demand Generation Can Help B2B Marketers Sustain Competition for Steady Growth

How Demand Generation Can Help B2B Marketers Sustain Competition for Steady Growth

There’s a difference between capturing leads and creating demand for leads. In this post-COVID market, b2b organizations need to focus on generating demand as much as they want to focus on capturing new leads. Demand generation will help marketers sustain competition and create long term relationships with the clients for more sales.

One of the biggest mistakes that b2b marketers commit is to focus on the market that has active buyers alone. The other curious lot is the actual target audience that needs to be focused upon. This target audience will give them the opportunity to generate demand and offer prospects with solutions and services that will solve their business challenges.

You can establish your brand or brand reputation and also win loyal customers. This is precisely the target that marketers should reach out to, communicate, develop trust and build long term relationships that are critical for sustaining business in today’s b2b market.

Let us look at some of the primary goals that marketers need to focus upon if they want to grow their business-

  • Create strong brand awareness and rapport
  • Work on creating brand affinity and familiarity to capture the attention of leads
  • Enhance your reach amid the target audience that isn’t exactly buying but looking for services that match their needs
  • Drive product or service differentiation to stand out in the crowd and sustain competition
  • Consider influencing buying decisions or engaging audience with offers that would be difficult to resist
  • Communicate business value through a problem solving approach and being a solution provider for their business challenges
  • Last but not the least, generate demand by understanding the exact needs of the prospect

These goals could prove to be some of the best and sure shot ways to generate demand and to help recalibrate sales and marketing strategies to be in-line with your demand gen goals.

Help, instead of sell-

This can be the foundation of all your demand generation initiatives. The change in your sales approach will make the prospect see you in a different light. As they see you as someone who wants to help them more than someone who wants to sell to them, they will then show interest in communicating or engaging further with you.

Empathy and willingness to listen are the key characteristics in establishing relationships today. Communication is extremely crucial and so are the content and content marketing initiatives. Insightful content is one of the best ways to offer them with valuable advice or facts that can actually accelerate their decision making process.

Content syndication:

If you are serious about demand generation, content syndication has to be an important part of your demand gen strategy. But remember, that it’s not just content syndication, but it is the quality of content that you end up distributing. Before you focus on the means to distribute content, focus and have dedicated resources churn out insightful, helpful, relevant and meaningful content that can influence the prospect and motivate them to contact you.


B2B marketers have been investing their valuable time, efforts and money in generating leads through various different techniques. However, today’s trends are all about generating demand with the help of various innovative initiatives with bigger returns in terms of sales.

For any b2b marketer, there’s nothing more delightful than having a constant flow of quality leads that convert easily. Demand generation is one of the most potent and lucrative activities that can shorten your sales cycle, help get good leads that convert easily and enhance sales and ROI.


Top Lead Generation Trends to Pay Attention to in 2021

Top Lead Generation Trends to Pay Attention to in 2021

Lead generation techniques are evolving and the new and innovative methods are bringing success to b2b marketers. Amid a plethora of techniques, there are some that you need to be pay close attention to, especially in 2021.

The pandemic brought in a lot of changes in the way people do sales. The b2b market had to face a lot of challenges with trade shows and face to face meetings coming to a complete halt. Though this pause is slowly waning away, b2b vendors, service providers and organizations have to reconfigure their strategies in order to adjust with the new consumer mind-set and the changes in the market dynamics too.

Lead generation has always been the fuel for b2b sales and ROI. B2B customer journey has taken to digitization in a major way. Considering the myriad changes in the market over the period of 2020-2021, here are some peculiar trends to observe-

  • Importance placed on customer’s voice 
  • Customer-centric sales and marketing activity
  • Increased activities to enhance brand awareness
  • Use of email marketing to reach the right target audience
  • Use of social media for brand recall and customer engagement
  • More focus on generating demand
  • ABM gaining more and more importance and focus
  • Sales and marketing alignment being prioritized
  • Focus on content and content marketing initiatives to drive traffic and to attract leads
  • Messaging and communication undergoing a lot of  change to be able to strike the right chord with target audience
  • Increased use of content assets being offered to add value to lead generation and demand generation
  • Content syndication gaining more importance for enhanced reach and collaborative efforts for lead generation
  • Shortening the sales cycle with more innovative approach and a change of mind-set

Other than the above, here are some more top lead generation trends to pay attention to in 2021-

  • Personalized reach with intent data-

To know exactly where the buyer is in the buying cycle, intent data is the best tool one can use. Intent data can help marketers to get a comprehensive idea and knowledge about the prospect. You can then reach the prospect using the right techniques and converting the lead into a customer faster.

The best thing about intent data is that you can personalize your outreach efforts far more effectively and with faster results.

  • Sales and marketing alignment-

Lead generation has a lot to do with the alignment between sales and marketing. Often, the sales team needs more high quality leads from marketing. There needs to be proper, streamlined communication between sales and marketing teams in order to know what the other team is doing in terms of strategy, metrics used, analysis of results etc. This can prove to be a win-win for both the teams and it can help the organization get the best leads and convert them too in less time.


After having used some tried and tested and even traditional methods of lead generation, now is the time for marketers to either combine these or get on with some new, innovative and smart strategies that are in-line with today’s market and with the changing needs of the customers. No matter what you use, if you prioritize personalization it can help streamline many of your lead gen goals with great results.




How to Optimize ABM Efforts for Higher Sales and ROI

How to Optimize ABM Efforts for Higher Sales and ROI

B2B lead conversion and sales can increase exponentially with a focused marketing approach. ABM is a unique activity in which sales and marketing teams collaborate and come together to target and convert the best–fit accounts into customers. If you are looking to focus on the highest possible ROI you need to pay attention to high-value accounts that can bring spectacular results.

This blog throws light on understanding ABM and how to optimize ABM efforts for more sales.

ABM can solve a lot of b2b problems and ease lead conversion-

  • ABM solves the challenge of not being able to show clear and measurable results in terms of the ROI. ABM being a focused activity, one of its main goals is to prioritize ROI. ABM can deliver the highest return on investment with dedicated efforts and resources focusing on building relationships with clients and nurturing leads
  • ABM also addresses the problem of accountability of resources in terms of time, efforts and results
  • ABM addresses one of the major challenges of b2b organizations- bringing the sales and marketing teams together and on the same page. It’s impossible to achieve spectacular results in ABM if sales and marketing teams work in silos. So ABM requires them to collaborate and this solves the major hurdles of b2b companies.

So what makes ABM the way it is and what are its different elements that make it so special?

Targeting high-value accounts– ABM allows you to target right accounts that are worth your time and efforts. Accounts that are of strategic value, ones that are service-fit, ones that give high gains, quick conversions, etc. are the focus of ABM.

Personalization– ABM being a much-focused activity, you can run personalized campaigns that facilitate building strong relationships and rapport with the targeted accounts.

ABM and ROI –

  • As per the survey conducted by Marketo, almost 97% of marketers achieved the expected ROI compared to any other marketing channel or activity
  • Almost 84% of b2b marketers say account based marketing activities and results are far superior as compared to results of other marketing activities
  • Almost 208% more revenue achieved by companies that have their sales and marketing teams aligned

So how do you optimize your ABM programs to finally achieve the above benefits?

Define high-value accounts– Use all of the data that you have and use intent data as well to clearly define whom you want to target and the accounts that are of high value. Discover these accounts and prioritize focused approach to reach out and engage.

Identify key decision makers– One of the most significant elements that play a crucial role in shortening the b2b sales cycle is the decision makers and key internal players. Identifying these key decision makers and players will get your ABM campaigns into real action.

Create personalized messaging– Content plays a crucial role in sales and in your ABM campaigns. It’s one of the most effective communication tools to reach out and engage the high value accounts. Keep them informed and provide essential and crucial insights from time to time.

Identify crucial channels- Getting in front of your audience and staying in their eye-line is very important for getting those high-value accounts. Consider the top notch channels where your high value prospects spend maximum time.

Execute precisely as planned- Planning is very important for ABM programs. As a focused activity, the execution needs to be well planned out and carried out with the help of dedicated resources.

Measure and analyze- Measuring and analyzing results is crucial in ABM. This gives you a clear idea of what is working and what is not. It will also give you an opportunity to improvise each time.


ABM can be a rewarding marketing activity. All you need to do is have a strategic plan for carrying out the campaigns successfully from start to end and also have the right insights and knowledge about ABM.

Why A Demand Generation Strategy Is Necessary at Every Stage of the Buyers Journey

Why A Demand Generation Strategy Is Necessary at Every Stage of the Buyers Journey

Demand Generation is a dynamic marketing activity that is critical at every stage of the buyer’s journey. It isn’t the kind of technique that can be used just once in the entire sales cycle or only for a particular stage of the buyer’s journey. For attracting the best leads that convert, demand generation should combine various techniques that are intended to address every part of the customer journey and be used at various stages of the sales funnel.

Let us see some smart demand gen techniques that can be used at different stages of the customer journey to help augment lead conversion.

Creating awareness for lead generation-

Every customer journey starts with the awareness stage. Your brand is something that resonates or does not resonate with the needs of the customer. Before the customer gets to know your brand he needs to be aware of your brand. Generating brand awareness is therefore a very critical part of generating demand.

Demand generation plays a vital role in establishing your brand and keeping its value alive in the customer’s mind. It also helps to keep the brand in the eye-line of the customer and therefore you need a solid plan to help raise brand awareness and make the customers remember your brand.

This is how you can generate demand in the awareness stage

Staying in the eye-line of the customer-

  • You can create a solid brand image that resonates with the buyer persona
  • Create relevant and strong messaging that also resonates with the buyer persona and the buyers needs and requirements
  • Create solution-oriented messaging through email marketing campaigns that throw light on addressing the pain points and solutions that can eliminate those pain points
  • Have a strong social media presence

Build a smart website to attract leads in the consideration stage-

A website is the most critical asset in the demand gen journey. It is something that attracts leads on its own and generates demand for your products or services. Website visitors are the ones that have come looking for your services and can be the most potential leads that can get converted easily. As a b2b marketer, you need to have a website that is primed for lead generation.

Get your website designed in such a way that your customers get the exact information they are looking for. Have CTAs that will direct the prospect to take action when it comes to making buying decisions.  Have a short form to fill that does not ask for too much information but asks for just the right data. Have a landing page that can help customers get exactly what they are looking for and urge them to take quick buying decisions.

Go for a customer-centric approach for the decision stage-

Buyer-centric sales processes almost always win. A buyer-centric sales process is a huge part of successful demand generation.

When it is more about the customer and less about you, the customer feels you are walking the extra mile to get them what they need. Customers come to you for solutions.

Attract more leads with a customer-first approach. Thinking of how your services can benefit the customer instead of thinking only about sales can go a long way in attracting the right leads to you.


Most marketers do demand generation everyday even without realizing that they are doing it. But if you do it more consciously and with a strategy in place it can streamline your lead gen journey with more good leads that convert easily.