Demand Generation Challenges for Todays Marketers

Demand Generation Challenges for Todays Marketers

Demand generation is a smart strategy that involves numerous client touchpoints, channels, and industry segments. It is inevitable to encounter some obstacles. Here, we'll discuss some of the key difficulties to bear in mind as you plan, carry out, and evaluate a complete demand generation strategy. Three challenges for today's marketers make generating those high-quality leads more challenging: empowered buyers, high expectations, and performance pressure.

Educated Buyers

Today's marketers need to figure out how to portray their businesses as reliable consultants to customers throughout their buying process. You must interact with your customers by establishing relationships and trust because 58% of buyers now spend longer exploring their options than they did in the past. You better believe that your competition will if you don't.

More Expectations

Buyers now expect more from the businesses they do deal with because they have so much access to information and choices. Buyers today inhabit a world that is constantly available and highly personalized in terms of apps, communications, offers, and services. That's fairly amazing, but it also presents a challenge for us as marketers to anticipate consumer needs and provide meaningful content relevant to those needs.

Performance Pressure

With all of the technologies at our fingertips, we can now connect the majority of our marketing initiatives to revenue. Marketing, like sales, is increasingly expected to have a revenue target. A well-planned demand generation process can address these problems by providing an effective and dependable procedure for identifying and engaging these empowered buyers and converting quality leads into measurable revenue.


The finest demand generation plans are data-driven and use the appropriate technology stack to achieve the best results. You won't be able to make improvements or obtain a thorough grasp of your audience and their goals if you don't know which approaches are working—or not. You'll also want to make sure you're using the correct attribution models so you can track the efficacy of your marketing efforts and their role in fostering customers and driving sales.




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