18 sept int

How to Align Your Demand Generation Strategy with B2B Buyer Behavior

In the rapidly changing B2B world, knowing and aligning your business demand generation technique with buyer habits is essential to producing sustainable growth. Today’s B2B buyers are better educated, more independent and careful as they spend time researching long before they meet with sales team. Buyers dominate the buyer journey more than ever, and with so many digital channels out there for them to choose from your approach must evolve as their behavior does. Here’s how you can stop your demand generation efforts off hitting the snooze button of B2B buyers.

Understand the Buyer’s Journey

Map the Buyer’s Journey first in outline, the traditional B2B buying process has changed away from a linear purchase to an increasingly non-linear experience in which buyers can move between stages.

Personalize the Buyer Experience

This is exactly why one-size-fits-all marketing just does not resonate with today’s B2B buyer. With digital transformation being a constant, eveyrbody is aware that this has lead the way for buyers to expect personalized experiences mapped across their industry, role and challenges. Research also indicates that 74% of B2B buyers are more likely to work with an organization if the buying process was built around enriched content.

Align Marketing and Sales Teams

Demand gen and sales basically need to have their two teams aligned in order for any demand generation strategy work properly at all. Ultimately, the two teams need to work in tandem more effectively and start with a common understanding of how their buyer behaves; then jointly each team assists moving those buyers through that sales funnel. This, in turn can give feedback for marketing to better adjust their demand gen strategies while making the handoff between sales and marketing more seamless and effective.


In the modern B2B landscape, aligning your demand generation strategy with buyer behavior isn’t just an option, it’s a necessity. By understanding the buyer’s journey, using data-driven insights, personalizing the buyer experience, you can ensure your strategy resonates with the modern, informed B2B buyer. Ultimately, the key to success lies in providing value at every stage of the buyer’s journey and continuously refining your efforts to meet the ever-changing needs of B2B buyers.

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