How To Use Demand Generation For Enhancing Sales for Tech Companies

How To Use Demand Generation For Enhancing Sales for Tech Companies

B2B technology companies have a different set of challenges when it comes to generating leads. A crowded market, tough competition and a lack of brand visibility are some of the factors that can affect sales. In this situation, demand gen partners can help tech companies adopt different techniques to attract and convert leads.

B2B marketers struggle to get those leads and convert them into business. For years lead generation was more about quantity over quality. More numbers were equivalent to doing good business, but converting those leads has always been a challenging job.

Today things have changed. Companies are now focusing upon good, quality leads that have higher chances of conversion. Marketers are now investing in generating demand rather than chasing leads and the same is applicable for tech companies too.

Demand gen partners for technology companies can focus on retargeting; remarketing and have great content assets reach and convert the target audience into business.

So how does demand generation work?

  • Generate leads through email campaigns, website, and SEO, social media, guest blogging, influencer marketing, telemarketing etc.
  • Use lead scoring methods to identify the true buyer and the prospective buyers who have shown interest in your services
  • Align sales and marketing teams to identify and agree upon good leads to further move them to the nurturing stage
  • Nurture good leads by engaging prospects in conversations, using content assets to finally drive them to conversion

Having a data culture also helps a lot. Data-driven demand gen can have a lot of advantages for tech companies. After all, you don’t want to waste your time and efforts on an outdated database. Hence, demand gen partners who want to help tech companies with leads should focus on data.

Using demand generation techniques has always been a clever thing to do for generating and converting leads.

  • Get good, qualified leads that convert into business
  • Identify and enhance sales opportunities
  • Make lead generation more cost-effective
  • Generate brand awareness
  • Stay in the eye-line of the customers so that they can approach you
  • Communicate with perfect messaging about how technology can solve their business challenges
  • Create differentiating factors that can help you to shine in the crowded market
  • Build rapport with prospects and connect with them for long-term business relationship

Here are some simple demand gen strategies that can change the way you do tech business-

Leverage the potential of content assets-

Use and leverage the power of content by creating insightful and helpful content assets. You can generate demand easily if you give the prospects what they are looking for. It could be in the form of infographics, data, statistics, insightful and knowledgeable articles, blogs, whitepapers, e-books, facts and figures, latest market research, news, and much more.

Generating demand can be an easy process if you know the customer better and provide him with what he is looking for. Content assets can also help build trust and rapport between you and your prospect.

Retarget customers-

Remarketing and retargeting works in today’s times. B2B marketers therefore should not hesitate to retarget or remarket and should use this as an opportunity to engage with the prospects this time around.

Use telemarketing to remarket, wherein you can directly engage and have a meaningful conversation with the target audience. Send e-mailers, run Google ads to retarget potential customers with relevant and exciting offers.


Demand generation is an interesting method to help technology companies enhance sales through good leads that convert. Technology companies have specific target audiences and retargeting prospects, telemarketing, focusing on content assets can bring great results.

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