How to use Intent Data at its best to Augment B2B Business Growth

How to use Intent Data at its best to Augment B2B Business Growth

Every adversity has some opportunity hidden in it. Owing to continued market fluctuations, unpredictable trends and customer behavior, today the market is still uncertain in terms of sales and marketing performance. A lot needs to be still recovered in terms of ROI. But this can also be a unique opportunity to make things better and focus more on that which is working with the help of some powerful tools.

Intent data can bring much relief from the challenges faced by b2b marketers by leveraging and unleashing its true power.

This blog discusses the various goals and challenges of Intent data and how marketers can optimize its potential to get more business growth.

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Goals and Challenges-

The real value of intent data is in how you optimize it to elevate your overall sales, marketing performance and ROI too.

So what are the primary goals of using Intent Data?

The primary goals of intent data are to facilitate effective b2b marketing!

So around 64% marketers give weightage to quality of data and around 43% give importance to the ease of implementation. Only 36% say that the source of data is critical for Intent data to be effective and to be able to bring in the desired results. (resource Ascend2)

We partner with Bombora, the leader in intent data, find out more 

Intent data can come with some challenges too. Marketers can identify and combat these challenges and can win them over through a proper strategy-

Here are some challenges and apprehensions regarding effective use of Intent Data

One can easily channelize the immense potential of Intent Data by leveraging and accelerating ABM pipeline too. Targeting those accounts with highest level of potential with Intent data can help marketers get good ROI.

Being Specific-

Traditionally marketers often rely on firmographics, demographics and other data that can bring the results but cannot always promise success.

Becoming more specific or focusing more on the demand rather than just leads can help companies to reduce the sales cycle.

Intelligent use of data can often lead to better ROI. Intent data can create better clarity, thus leveraging the efforts and right use of time for better outcomes.

Marketers should remember the following while coupling intent data with other marketing initiatives-

  • Relevance
  • Purpose
  • Precision
  • Personalization


What do the signals say?

You may have crafted appropriate strategies, have created great campaigns based on data and all is set to roll out. But what is most critical for success in b2b along with other factors is the need for perfect timing!

One of the most significant things about intent data is the signaling part. Intent data can help guide and tell b2b marketers when to launch a campaign, when to get that email marketing campaign started and when to nurture those leads.

Intent data pave way to the right timing and direction and can be one of the most reliable guides for b2b marketers.


So what are the benefits of Intent Data and how can it be used to leverage and empower b2b sales and marketing-

Uses of Intent Data-

  • Personalization
  • Email Marketing
  • Targeted Ad content
  • Crafting relevant content
  • Enhancing ABM
  • Leveraging Landing Page capabilities



Marketers can be very hopeful about intent data to ultimately accelerate ROI, but one can only achieve it when one uses efforts to optimize intent data.

Intent data can empower b2b marketing while minimizing efforts and saving time and resources too.

Intent Data is the future as much as personalization is and it can certainly bring more focus and better results if used the right way.

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