Which B2B Marketing Techniques Can Benefit From Intent Data and How

Which B2B Marketing Techniques Can Benefit From Intent Data and How

Data and invaluable insights are important elements of b2b sales and marketing in today’s digital marketing world. Intent data is already making waves in the b2b market and is proving to be a powerful tool for lead generation and demand generation. There are several other b2b marketing techniques too that can benefit from intent data and its insights.

Let us find out how certain b2b techniques such as ABM and email marketing can benefit from intent data.

Today, the decision-making process of the customer starts long before the customer lands on your website. In such a scenario, intent data can help marketers to stay prepared with customized solutions for prospects even before they approach the marketer.

So how can marketers use intent data for revenue growth?

  • Helps reach only those accounts that are most likely to convert
  • Helps to narrow down high-value accounts based on their precise needs
  • Increases conversion rates and gives marketers an edge over their competitors

ABM (Account-Based Marketing):

Account-based marketing is a focused activity dedicated to high-value accounts for faster conversions and long-term sustainable business outcomes. Intent data insights can give you a bird’s eye view of the accounts you wish to target. The insights from intent data can help you to narrow down on the high-value accounts, give your marketing teams the precise information they need to capture the right leads at the right time.

Intent data helps marketers to build more effective ABM campaigns with better results.

  • Intent data can help identify accounts in active buying stages and contact them even before they approach the marketer
  • Identify what solution the marketer can offer in order to convert the leads
  • Communicate with personalized messaging for better nurturing

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a powerful tool when it comes to reaching out to a wider audience and nurturing leads so that they convert easily. It is also about the timing! In fact, today, b2b marketing is all about the right timing. The perfect time to send out emails and to the right leads can have a huge impact on conversions and ROI. So imagine how intent data can help with the signals and mapping the buyer’s journey and its insights to leverage email marketing.

Here is how intent data can help you with b2b marketing-

  • Intent data insights can help you to create content assets that are relevant and choose topics of interest to the customer
  • You can create segmented lists more effectively
  • You can email only those leads that have shown the inclination to buy
  • Create highly personalized messaging and email marketing campaigns that give high returns
  • Create better impact on the open rates and click rates by sending out the right message to the right leads at the right time
  • Retarget leads that could not be converted earlier but can now be remarketed to by gauging their buying journey and inclination


One can combine different types of intent data to create an impact such as first-party intent data or third-party data etc. and also leverage content syndication to optimize valuable data insights for more sales. Intent data has changed the dynamics of b2b sales and marketing and is here to stay. B2B marketers should give it a try and make their lead generation less challenging with a data-backed approach.

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