Why B2B Marketers Should Embrace Content Syndication

Why B2B Marketers Should Embrace Content Syndication

Content syndication has a lot of potential when it comes to increasing brand awareness and generating good leads. However, b2b marketers are yet to leverage its power fully for enhancing lead generation and to augment sales.

It is time to focus on this power-house collaborative effort of content syndication to discover wider target audience and to discover new business opportunities.

Content Syndication is about publishing content from one source to many platforms and sites.

The sole purpose of content syndication is to get more visibility, increase brand awareness and thus get more sales. Marketers have started taking content syndication very seriously as the results of this hybrid way of sales prospecting are very promising.

As per Demand Gen report, almost 30% of B2B marketers consider content syndication as their most effective lead gen tactic. Almost 56% of b2b marketers have increased spend on content creation since 2019 (CMI).

The need for content syndication is increasing day by day as b2b marketers are realizing its utility and advantages.

Here are some benefits of content syndication that every b2b marketer must pay attention to:

  • Increased opportunities for better business outcomes
  • Wider audience reach
  • Discovery of wider target audience other than the ones that already exist
  • Brand awareness and strengthening of brand reputation
  • Getting more leads
  • Getting leads that convert
  • Increase in sales
  • Making sales prospecting effective

Multi- channel approach-

Content syndication involves the use of a multi-channel approach. A multi-channel approach increases the probability of more and more people viewing your content. They will get to see your company and its services and solutions creating more business opportunities.

Instead of using only social media for content distribution, content syndication is a more dynamic activity that can produce good leads.

Several high ranking sites can publish your content and the audience that visits those sites will get to see your content and thus know more about your brand.

Since this is about getting more exposure in the market, one needs to make sure they produce and distribute only high quality and valuable content that is also relevant.

Use Tailored Content-

Other than having a wider reach for more opportunities, content syndication can work better if you use tailored content that aligns with what the customers are looking for. This can be an effective way of attracting, delighting and engaging customers. Relevant and meaningful content can give you results and not just any content.

Generate Demand-

Content syndication can also help in generating demand. Content syndication can be used as a tool to educate the audience and make them realize that you have the solution they need. This can up your demand gen game instead of you having to chase leads all the time.

By providing content to a wider audience who might be in search of the solutions you provide, you can generate more demand for your solutions instead.

How to build effective content syndication strategy for more leads?

Get your goals right-

Before starting any content syndication activity, one needs to assess the requirement for content syndication. You need to evaluate the real need for content syndication. You need to seek answers to questions such as, do we really need it and if yes what are our business goals. B2B marketers who wish to deploy content syndication should set proper goals.

Strategic content syndication always gets better results. Depending upon the type of leads you want, or if you need to partner with other companies; content syndication can always help. If your goal is to get more website traffic or create more brand awareness, in any case content syndication can get you the best results you need.

Go for content assets that align with your business goals-

Now that you have decided your objectives and business goals it’s time to pick the right content that aligns with those goals. Create and choose only that content which aligns with your audience. Publish content that not only showcases your skill sets, but also the one that tells your customers that you are a problem solver for their business challenges.


B2B companies are still yet to completely explore content syndication, but it is time they optimize this multi-channel activity for business benefits. If marketers focus on content syndication as one of the major activities for generating leads, they surely can achieve their targets and add to their customer base.


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